Chapter Eight

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Dria POV ;

"So you and ole' boy together?" Said Dezmin

"Yes , we sorta just clicked again .. I didn't even think it was going to happen, we ran into him at the mall." I said

"I'm happy for you .." He seemed kind of down when he said that but I didn't think much of it.

"So Dezmin , how is it playing for the Falcons? I know you said that was your dream and I see you made it happen." Said my dad

"I mean it's cool and all but it gets lonely sometimes like why do I have all this money if I don't have anyone to spend it on . I was waiting for the perfect girl but she slipped right out of my hands".

I couldn't help but think that Dezmin was talking about me. He and I had shared our feelings plenty of times but never actually acted out on them mostly because he wanted to fulfill his dreams. Who would I be to stand in the way of his dreams! That would've been selfish as hell.

"Who's that special girl bro?" Said my brother Forrest

"I can't really say but she is REALLY special to me." Dezmin said looking at me.


August POV :

I took Pharaoh to my brother Trav house so he could meet him and so I could talk to him about this Darius Dominick Derrick or whatever the nigga name is y'all know who I'm talking about .

I got Pharaoh out of the car and went and rang the doorbell then waited . Travis opened the door with his daughter Callie in his arms .

"Wazzam lil bro what brings you by here to see your sexy brother?" Says Trav

"One eww two my nigga it's hot as hell can you let us in ? " I said impatiently

"What hoe you got knocked up now nigga?" Trav said looking down at Pharaoh .

"My mom is not a hoe . So you can get that out of your head ." Says Pharaoh

I smacked Pharaoh upside his head but not hard.

"What I done told you about that cussing boy you ain't grown . And this your nephew nigga Dria had a kid by me and didn't tell me cause of what happened almost 4 years ago." I said walking in his house.

"Y'all Finna stop beating on me like I'm a punchbag one day I'ma Muhammad Ali somebody my grand pops Jayceon mf Taylor" Pharaoh mumbled.

"Oh shit , no wonder his ass got a smart mouth , I should've known." Said Trav


"So you left because a nigga was at the house hugging on Dria ?" Said Trav

"I don't care about that it's the fact that her dad likes him when the nigga can't stand me . I mean shit what did I do ?"

"Let's see cheated on his daughter, you know that's a big one ."

"Mel come here!"

"Who nigga?" Trav said looking at me like I'm crazy

"That's Pharaoh nickname."

"I'm in the middle of a shoutout in gta what do you need?" Said Mel (pharaoh)

"What's that nigga who was hugging all on your mama name and what 3 year old knows how to play GTA?"

"His name is Dezmin Carter , he plays for the Falcons.. Duh and because I'm the realist lil nigga ever." He said

"How close was he to your mom?"

"He was like her best friend he always tried to be my father figure but I wasn't feeling it when I knew my father was out there somewhere living his life not caring if I was okay or not. So whenever he tried to do fatherly stuff with me I would push him away but he was cool with me I guess..he sorta was the closest thing I had to a father besides uncle Trey and uncle Forrest." Mel said

I Looked over at Travis and he was looking like he wanted to kill my ass. I can't die I'm too sexy to die.!🏃🏃🏃

"You can go now lil man..and don't worry your dad is gonna be there for you forever down for whatever whenever ok?" Travis said

"Iight uncle T" he says walking away.

"Look what your dumb ass actions led you to , you need to get it together cause I know damn well I'd kill for Callie Marie so you better do the same for Pharaoh Davontae. Dria didn't deserve what you did to her and you didn't deserve for her not to tell you about Mel but you gotta think about it all of this could've been avoided if you could've just kept your dick in your pants . Don't keep letting these one night stands and best friend betrayals fuck up a happy home Yung, Dria is a blessing you better keep it this time." Trav said before getting up to put Callie In her crib.

I took out my phone and sent Dria a text .

My💕🌎😈💍: Babygirl, you a blessing🔐❤️.

Ain't no way in Hell I'm fucking up this time , that Denzel nigga can sit down somewhere cause August is back for good.

---Updating tomorrow night too !

Pharaoh in MM !


August Alsina is my baby daddy (on hold until Summer 2k16)Where stories live. Discover now