Done with this book

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I was going through some comments on the story, and I keep seeing the same thing over and over again.  If you would actually read the damn book instead of being so quick to comment dumb shit you would know the book is all based off imagination  and creativity. I do this for yall entertainment. I actually take the time out of my day to try and update the story. I don't have to do this shit. This is not a job for me. Pharaoh isn't going to be a normal ass 3 year old. This is FICTION. Its not real. I have really had enough of people commenting rude shit. Of course he's not gonna be Fucking normal. Its not a real Fucking story. Sorry to the loyal ass readers but after the next chapter I am DONE with this book.

- A very Pissed off Dria

August Alsina is my baby daddy (on hold until Summer 2k16)Where stories live. Discover now