Chapter 1

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Driaa POV ;

I woke up to my alarm playing " Numb " by August . Lord knows how much I love this man but he really broke my heart . I got up to take Pharaoh to the mall like I promised him.

Dria : Pharaoh wake up baby !

Pharaoh : *groans* whyy?!!

I swear he acts just like his damn father . 😒

Dria : so you dont want to go to the mall ? Ok .

Pharaoh : I didnt say allat woman ! *runs to bathroom*

I swear Ive never saw a 3 year old run so fast in my life .

******SKIPS TO MALL******

Im walking around the mall with Pharaoh trying to buy him the shoes he wants . My baby is a sneaker head 😂. As I'm walking around I go into Foot Locker in the mall looking for shoes.

August POV ;
Wazzam , its yours truly August Alsina or should I say captain sexy ! Im 22 years old and you probably know the rest !

Im walking around the mall and I see a little boy crying his eyes out so I walk over to him .

August : Wazzam lil man ?

??? : I cant find my mommy !

August : Aww , She prolly aroun' hea' somewhea' lil man .

??? : I know you ! Your August Alsina ! My mommy cries over you ! Im Pharaoh !

August : Nice to meet you Pharaoh .

Next thing I know I hear the voice I've been missing almost 4 damn years ...

??? : Pharaoh baby where have you been .

August : *turns around* D-Dria ??

Dria : *big eyed* H-hi August..

Pharaoh : Mommy ! Its the man you cry over ! Now he can make you happy !

August : So this is your son ..?

Dria : *rubs neck* yeahh he's mine.

August : Where is his daddy ?

Pharaoh : My mommy said my daddy doesnt know about me because he did a bad thing to her and she was afraid to tell him ! I miss my daddy everyone else has one but me !

When Pharaoh said that I looked at him real hard and noticed something .... THIS IS MY DAMN KID !!!

August : *looks at Dria* Me. You. Pharaoh. Food court NOW. *Walks away*

Dria POV : At the food court .

August : Why didn't you tell me I had a damn son ?!

Dria : Dont yell at me ! I came to tell you the day I found out that you cheated on me !! I was afraid you were going to deny our baby so I just left and never said anything ..

August : How can I deny him ?! He's my damn twin ! I swear Dria did you think about how I'd feel?! I have a son I never even knew about !!!!!!!!

Dria : I wanted what was best for him . I don't need you in and out of his life Aug.

August : I wont be in and out of his life ! Wait a minute...Trey knew didn't he ?! Thats why every time I would ask about you He'd get quiet !!

Trey Songz is my brother 😒 sadly . But I love him.

Dria : yeah .. He knew I made him promise not to tell you ..

August : *sighs* Pharaoh come here.

*Pharaoh gets in August's lap.*

August : Whats your whole name Lil man .?

Pharaoh : Pharaoh Da'Vontae Alsina .. Mommy calls me Mel sometimes to !
August : *tears up* When is your birthday ?

Pharaoh : September 3rd ! Like my daddy

I then realized how it did affect August that he didn't know about his son and I honestly felt bad about it.

August : Pharaoh I got sumn ta tell you .

Pharaoh : What is it ?

August : You know my last name is Alsina right ?

Pharaoh : *laughs* Last name stealer !

August: *chuckles* nah you stole mine ! But my birthday is September 3rd too .

Pharaoh : So ... Your my daddy ? *tears up*

August : Yeah Mel .. Im your daddy .

Pharaoh: *starts crying and hugging August* I missed you so much daddy ! Dont ever leave again !!

August : *letting a few tears fall* I promise I wont ever leave again Pharaoh ..

I watched my son and my ex boyfriend cry their eyes out in the mall ... I didn't know my life was finna change so quickly .. Well my ex is back and here to stay .. Lets see how this goes !!

- Driaa 😍😘

August Alsina is my baby daddy (on hold until Summer 2k16)Where stories live. Discover now