Chapter 2♡︎

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After a long night of sleep jisung woke up from the sound of his alarm of his phone to wake minho up for work. Minho can get himself up..well sometimes.

"Ughhh~" he sighed it was 5:15am jisung just hit the snooze button he wanted to cuddle with his boyfriend. "Minho~" He called. "Minhooooo~" he called again and shook him.

He set up straddling him looking at minho for a minute and started shaking him violently. "MINHO!"  "Get up now you have to go to work!" Minho woke up in a gasp "ok ok! im up" he set up as well holding jisung by the waist so he won't fall.

"Yes baby~" Minho  spoke. "Minho don't you have work today" Jisung asked. "Ummm what's today anyway" Minho asked. " Wednesday?" Jisung told him

"Oh baby~" He kissed him on the lips. "I don't have work today." "YAY!" Jisung exclaimed, and hugged him so he could lay back down. "But i told felix
That you had work today and you got off at 3:30, made you lunch he pouted." "Jisung your acting like im not gonna still eat it." Minho said.

"I only have work for like 3 or 2 days other than that im off." Minho explained. "Ohhhhh." Jisung said. "Im still tired can we go back to sleep" Jisung also said. "Sure you can but im just gonna watch tv Minho answered. "Ok" Jisung said and was off to sleep. As jisung was sleeping,

Minho started playing with Jisung's tail "It was so fluffy" he thought. After like 30 minutes Minho began to get sleepy again and soon started to dose off.

—————————time skip———————


Minho woke up to not find jisung on him anymore. He jumped up in a flash just to find him in the kitchen making breakfast well leftovers from last night. "Oh I thought you were gone". Minho puts his hand on his chest.

Jisung started to laugh, "Gone where?"😭
"Idk I-I just." Minho stuttered. "Yeah no where" "Anyways i reheated your lunch i made last night Its in the microwave" jisung said. "Oh ok thank you baby" Minho said. As Minho walk to the microwave and kissing jisung on the cheek on the way.

"Ew,,,,morning breath." Jisung  said and chuckled. "Oh please i kissed you earlier you had no problem with it". Jisung just stayed quiet. "Yeah like I thought so."Minho said again. "Ok come sit and eat with me." Jisung said in a pouty voice.

—————————time skip———————

After they got done eating and laying around a bit. It was about 1pm Jisung got bored time felt like it was going by so slow. "My love" He yelled from the living room. "Yes baby~" Minho answered. "Can we go to the mall before the movies today??"

He asked.

"Ummm for??" Minho asked. "Cause i wanna waste time and it feels like time is going by so slow." He said as he sat on the couch upside down.  I wanna go get boba to." Jisung said. "Ok we'll get the boba go get dressed." Minho laughed.

"Yay!" Jisung got up excitedly going up stairs in his and minho's room. "Ok what am i going to wear." He thought and decided to wear this.

" He thought and decided to wear this

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