Chapter 12

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They went to the Flag HQ, showing the guards our badges looking for the nearest medic, riding their horses through the HQ until they suddenly almost bumped into the Flag's most elite team. They were all hardened warriors that put Tyla's abilities to shame. Their captain, Velance eyed them suspiciously.

"What are you doing here?"-Velance

"We we're transferred here today."-Frost said proudly

"What's that?'' he pointed at the carriage

That made Tyla gulped, Velance motioned one of his followers to open the carriage. Tyla thought she was gonna pee her pants she knew she would show it to someone or the medic but she wasn't expecting they would be the ones to see it. She just hopes these guys settle with reason and not violence because they would surely be DEAD.

They opened the carriage and everything was still a mess except for one, the boy was there all fixed sleeping, not one blood or purple stuff was found in his stomach that was once ugly and bloody. Tyla and the 2 other members of Lieutenant Frost's team also looked shocked. Some soldier picked the small boy up and Tyla just can't look at Velance in the eye.

"Ok, Sir Velance I know what you're thinking but it just wasn't seems to be, I don't know what happened but all I know is that we need to find a medic, we are just as confused as you."

Velance just gave a simple nod, they were going to leave, Until the boy's eyes perked open, he punched the soldier in his vital parts and let out an ear piercing scream, one of his eye turned white and 1/4 of his hair was turning white. Tyla and the others had alarmed looks on their faces.


The queen was preparing for the Hunt, the start of the second phase of the competition. She was thrilled adrenaline pumped up, this was the first time she was going to hunt without going there and leaving as fast as she could, this time it will be different.

They went there along with her servants rules are simple, get the most delicious and largest as you can and you win. And no horses for the competitors.(except for the queen of course.)

Huckle, the smallest of the group had tanned skin, purple eyes and jet black hair had been here for one reason only for loot. He only heard the contest had a big amount of money as prize but he never thought about competing to be the heir of the kingdom.

Huckle was a poor little village boy, his mother had been assaulted by his father when she was a servant. His father was a vicious viking known in the Empire. You see, his village was at the stomp of the shield. They've been thrown out of the kingdom by false threats and accusations the minister of defense was a cruel man who set them up. He was glad the old geezer died just as about they were to return to the kingdom. His father attacked their village killing and destroying everything in sight. Back then when he and Diane was just playing hide and seek. Good thing Diane was a good seeker caught him at the top of the tree. When they saw the vikings they went running towards the barrier and tried to speak to the guards but here is what they said.

"Please help our village! Please help us!!" -Diane

"By whose orders? And your criminal village deserves what they get." the guard said while drinking a cup of ale.

Huckle slapped his cup and his ale went towards the floor, his face darkening.

"Why is there need to reason to save your own land? You guys think you're so tough but you're all just a bunch of cowards."

The soldier was about to punch him but he dodged him and took his sword, he held it high. "A bunch of cowards." he muttered

"I demand all of you to help us. Now!"

Instead they all laughed, "You think we give a damn about you kids? No. You can't even take one of us out even if you wanted to."

"B-but-" - Diane

"And we don't care of your poor village too, it will be destroyed on one way or another."

Huckle kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and took his shield. He ran towards the elder's house. He blocked the arrows and hid and run quietly in the shadows. The elder taught him how to fight and his mother his wits. He held on to the necklace his mother gave him it's shape was a feather gentle and soft. He held on to it. Wait for me mother.

He opened the secret compartment in the elder's house he remembered him saying. "Use this at the midst of trouble, this is our village's only hope and treasure."

He searched for it until he found that brownish white gem that looked a lot like his necklace he swallowed it.

He turned into wood, he can't give up now! There are lives in danger! There was a craking sound a part of his skin exposed until it slowly exposed and exposed then a bright light made it shatter it all. Relived, he was about to go outside, but then he suddenly felt pain in his back he fell to his knees it's like there's some kind of vessel growing out of his back bones were cracking with one another, he couldn't scream something was preventing him to. He scratched the floor like a mad man scraping his nails, unbearable pain was at his back he really wished he would black out. Suddenly there were skeleton wings grew out of his back and at last he screamed all in his might, black feathers grew out of his back anger consumed him and finally he blacked out.

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