Chapter 18 Part 1

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Huckle woke up seeing clerics and healers looking down on him he stiffened and immediately sat up, pain striked him like a second nature he reflextively gritted his teeth and tried to ignore the pain the medical staff tried to lay him back down, he would simply obey now but something caught his eye, he forcefully stood up, tensing as the pain hit him hard, one step at a time left right, left right.

Then when he was close to the window he finally saw it a woman's head, a beautiful woman unusual red hair and black eyes etched in her forehead TRAITOR. A shocked expression of a dead woman still remained.

Her head was pierced at the highest tower the metal steel that held her head was blooded but not also that all the soldiers he killed were in display all over the place.His eyes widened he fought back the bile that was rising up his throat, who would do such a thing?


Crust looked at the queen, if he hadn't gotten there in time she would have died.

He froze everything, actually froze time shot 2 ice arrows at the crown and the girl,  his arrows were a blur almost fast as light but to him it was a really slow arrow.

The queen might have died if she wore that crown, he sighed. He was just looking through her window anyway. He went to meet up with Lieutenant Frost, he was climbing down the tree, he hit his leg on the trunk of the tree, something cracked for a moment he forgot his injuries, after he climbed down he was limping, and his whole body was covered in blood, like a bloody corpse from a battle.

"Crust!.... there are" Tyla said her excitement running out as she saw the state he was in, Lieutenant Frost and other soldiers came after her, they didn't ask him questions, they just stared.

"Can I um,,*cough* be excused..?" Crust asked feeling conscious

Well who wouldn't be if they are staring at you while your covered in someone else's blood and not to mention the dagger of the enemy and your own magical sword tainted all in blood.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Veloren said stepping up

Crust didn't show respect well it's not like he dislikes it but he can't while almost half of your bones are broken or fractured the only thing that keeps him from standing up is the magical weapons at his waist.

"With all due respect sir, please let me pass."

"Why is that?"

"I have to clean to prepare for the next battle. sir"

"What battle?"

"The one with the Empire."

"What are you talking about?! You must be crazy! " Veloren laughed and the soldiers joined him

Crust remained silent. A messenger came with urgent news he whispered to Veloren. "My apologies sire, but at the gates is Prince Drane ( chapter 3 )."

"Impossible! No one can pass through our barriers." He grabbed Crust's  shirt "You! What do you know about this, how did he get in!?" Crust narrowed his eyes and avoided eye contact.

"...When my arrow hit the crown, it mind linked me and told me that Prince Drane is here for the queen's hand, and the necklace on his neck is one of Artia's weapon."

"How could that be?!"

Crust sighed and looked at him directly in the eye "Well, it's evil, inverted and can now be worn by anyone as long as they're capable."

Veloren scratched his head and sighed "You got all this by mind linking a crown? You're conceited."

Crust shrugged he didnt actually get all of it from the crown he got it from his dagger and sword too, it was like 3 people talking inside your head but in reality just inimical objects.


The queen woke up seeing Prince Drake's face startled her, he smiled and asked "Shall we proceed to the wedding now my queen?"

Sory for the late update I hope you enjoyed,

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