Chapter 14

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Velance and Veloren looked at each other, they didn't anticipated they would use this technique in this small fragile vulnerable little boy.


A technique that enhances stamina and power, it can break through anything and anyone, it gives you the advantage to stun your opponent nearby and perform multiple combos that not only damage the opponent's physical form but also their spiritual, technically speaking you drain all their energy and throw it at them with twice the force combined with your own.

The ice broke and Crust was stunned he cannot move, his eyes widened as he saw them lunging towards him, fury in their eyes and it looks like they had a stronger will and energy flowing through them. Punches and kicks came at a rapid speed throughout Crust's body, he could feel being weaker by each punch and kicks. He couldn't trace their speed, it felt like they were getting stronger and faster as he gets weaker by the second. An uppercut made its way to Crust's chin a tooth came out as he flew upwards, a kick made its way to his nape of the neck. He was being passed across the room seconds before hitting a wall. The rotation went on for 5 minutes until he hit a wall, he went backwards through the walls he passed by 4 rooms until he stopped, leaving a dent on the wall.

Pain shot up all over his body, it felt like his bones were all broken, he felt so sore, he just wanted to black out. Until the ice did something amazing, the ice froze inside his bones making them a part of it, readjusting the bones that are broken, and the ice froze his body temporarily soothing the pain even a little. He forced himself to get up, do a battle stance and make an ice sword preparing for an attack.

Velance and Veloren were exhausted, having heavy breaths, they tried to slow their heart rate and calm theirselves, there was no way he could survive a 350 combo attack, maybe they pushed themselves to far and used all their energy, it's a side effect on the Power Combo, it drains you like your hanging on to the bit of your life force. Velance and Veloren hadn't mastered it yet and the side effect leaves them a mark where they can't get out of bed for an entire week.

They went to see if the boy was still alive, it never occurred to them that there is a 50% chance he died. Well, they just hoped they could tend to his wounds quickly or just set up a proper burial....

The fog cleared rocks tumbled down Crust's head he looked at them with a new sense of anticipation, he doesn't go down quickly without a good fight. Ice covered most of his body and he drew out the sword. Crust lunged and Velance as Velance quickly blocked it with his dagger.

How can he still have the strength to move? It's impossible! Velance thought

Veloren came from behind Velance and used his shoulder to jump and kick Crust in the forehead. He stumbled backwards blood dripping. Crust froze the floor when the blood dripped down, causing Velance and Veloren to slip and fall. Crust took the advantage and froze them completely freezing them with ice covering with hardened snow, but before Veloren's arm was covered with ice he threw a stone. "FROSTEIR!"

Frost ran towards the stone slipping on ice as he landed flat on his stomach, he pushed his body to go further, sliding through the ice as he caught the stone.

"Oh no you don't!" -Crust

He froze him in a blast, ice spreading through Frost's body "Tyla!" He threw the stone to her before slipping out of consciousness.

Tyla caught the stone and threw it at Crust's backbone as it stayed there and Crust froze and faced her then smiled. "Well done."

He fell back as blackness took over.

The ice slowly began to disperse from Velance, Veloren and Frost's body. It crawled up and went into the stone. They were all unconscious, Frost and Velance's men came to escort them to the nearest medic.


Huckle was walking through the woods searching for a prey, until he heard an ear piercing shriek, he saw two shadows emitting, he climbed a nearby tree to get a better view, he focused on the larger figure, and saw it was a Chimera, he thought those things were legendary, he was suddenly frightened himself. He focused on the smaller figure and saw a glimpse of her face.

It was the queen.


Klavier paced his chambers anxiously, someone had stolen the Ancient Book of Artia. He was thinking of people who would betray him. His secret room was heavily trapped. And guards outside his bedroom. And no one knows the passageway except him and his old trusted (kind of) adviser which was now dead and executed in front of my eyes, because he ordered it...

But anyways no one else besides him.

A guard came in panting all sweaty and trembling with fear. He bowed

"Your majesty, Syon had escaped!" Wrong timing.

"Who is that knuckle head that let him escape?" He said pissed

The soldier gulped "I-I...sire."

He took a dagger from his desk and cut through his whole arm. The soldier screamed silently for he know when he scream loudly Klavier would end his life.

"Oh and don't come back to me saying you can't handle a single man!"
He snarled.

"Aye your majesty."


Chimera: a 3 headed monster, a head of a lion, snake and a goat. Lion claws in front goat legs at the back and a snake tail.

Thank you all for still reading if there is still someone reading this. I hope you atleast enjoyed even a little. Thank you again for reading until now. And I guess you guys realize by now I am a crappy writer and have at least a thousand mistakes in this story so.. I apologize. Anyways until next time.

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