Chapter 17 Part 3

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Everything Crust saw was like in slow motion or he was just fast, He dodged the fireball quickly and sent a roundhouse kick to Genevieve whose head smashed in the wall, hard. Blood bled from her forehead and covered one of her eyes. A shocked expression came into her face but recovered anyway, she took a bottle from her pocket and threw it at Crust, she muttered words and then threw a huge fireball. But Crust was stuck but it wasnt because of the liquid it was because of the words, or spell. He figured the liquid was something flamable to fire he never encountered this kind of liquid before. And with Genevieve's fire ball, blue flames burned Crust, but her fireball is red then, when this fireball hit him it used his energy to burn himself with the spell and the help of some liquid. It was hot, like being toasted in the desert in summer. Or the feeling of being incarcerated. Crust forgot the little white haired boy will settle his battle for him well until he was taken over anyway.

Flames no longer burned on Crust's body a new aura surrounded him a bit of his hair turned white, he had his head bowed but there was a little smile underneath the hair that covered his face. He looked up and suddenly he was holding an ice dagger behind Genevieve's throat.


"Don't worry I'll make this nice and quick oh, and be sure to smile when you die okay~? I want you to be satisfied and I want to cut your head so I can display your pretty face at the queen's palace-" he faced her and smiled widely like a kid "At the top of the highest tower okay~? ♡" he said speaking the words like it's the easiest and most innocent thing in the world.

Genevieve jumped reflexsively but cut a bit of her throat in the process. "Who are you?"

Crust had a darkened expression, "That's not nice, but know I will make sure you remember my name. WITCH!"

Crust trapped her body in an ice cross and made an ice chain spreading all over her body. He made ice monsters and threw a couple of ice spikes and daggers making Genevieve a human target. Crust hit her in her legs, then arms, her belly, shoulders a few scrapes of her neck, he made little ice needles to let her fingers bleed. "Stop!" ,"What now? Can't you see I'm bonding with her?","Your making her suffer we're supposed to capture her not kill her!", "But she would make the most beautiful doll! I didn't even touched her face, I HAD SELF CONTROL FOR MINUTES NOW AND This is what I get!?", "We may find more who is capable of powers like her.", "No.", "Why?", "You'll see in a couple of seconds."

A loud roar was heard and a dragon flying high with the queen and the girl who Crust assumed is conrolling the dragon. And holding the rebellion army's flag along with it.


Huckle got up with he help of the energy of the dragon he flew up and saw the Emerald army soldiers coming not to far away, he smiled just a bit more of a distraction before they get here. He threw daggers around the dragon and flew tree to tree and went to the dragon's chest with daggers in his hands he cut open a few wounds and the dragon roared and flew taking the queen, Huckle was thrown away landing next to the crown, the crown! He has to get that up to the queen, she'll know what to do.

Veloren, Frost Tyla along with the Emerald army's soldiers saw a boy with wings next to the crown, they rushed over. He was badly hurt it seems he had been trying to protect the queen and the capital given the bodies lying in the dirt. "We gotta get up there." The boy said while pointing to the dragon flying. He picked up the crown and frantically shoving it to Veloren.

"Is it possible for you to wear this great sir? Or anyone?" He said

His wings bleeding badly scrapes on his leg and shoulders, but mostly he was full of his and other's blood. All they could do was look away. Well if no one is going to do it. He might as well take it back to the queen which nearly impossible, well he can't stop now its now or never.

He flew up forced his wings to flap slowly and painfully pain consumed him vibrating to his body but anger flared in his veins he prayed to his mother and gods that may his effort not be in vain.

He rose from the ground the dragon countering his flight with hot fire dodging it with difficulty he damaged a part of his wings that almost ended his flight and led to his doom. He pursued with a last battle cry "My queen!"

Then threw the crown, reclutantly the queen catched it with shaking hands. the girl who was controlling the dragon tried to snatch it away but it was already too late she already put it on. A bright light emmited and everything in Huckle's sight blur, in slow motion he was falling screams, gasps and shrieks could be heard but all he could hear is the lullabies that his mother sung that used to lull him to sleep.


Crust by his own will absorbed Genevieve's power and transferred it to an ordinary dagger, she screamed but to Crust it was just a sweet calling of death, Satan calling her. Once everything was drained he killed her in one swoop her eyes filled with fear and shock, he chopped her to pieces except her head and bathed in her blood. He never knew the satisfaction of taking a traitor's life and bathing in such blood was enjoyable.
He swore on his honor he would obliterate everyone for the sake of the queen. He picked up her head and laughed bathing in a traitor's blood.

I hope u enjoyed..?

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