|| Éclair Cookie X Assistant!Reader ||

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|| Workaholic ||

Art made by - "Colgatehair" on the cookie run kingdom wiki!

(DISCLAIMER! : Personality may not be accurate due to lack of information!)

3rd person

As the days pass by, the museum has been receiving plenty of relics and artifacts due to the sudden rise of guild members. Rumours say it was due to an incredible feat of a student in the Parfaedia Institute of Magic. Of course, the demand of getting into the Institute's demand is even higher then it ever was! A certain cookie working between both shifts has been not getting as much rest as he preferred. Since of the increase of classes he needed to teach, his museum work was left to his poor assistant. From accepting new relics to polishing most of them, they've done it all. They were determined to give the cookie some rest despite their own burnout state...

Your POV

"I finally finished polishing the last relic!" I got up and looked at my work. It was not the best but not the worst either. That's not what's important though! Eclair has been rather busy lately and his state has been rather poor. He's less crispy now and always seems to burying himself in work, I can tell he's tired from his sluggish movements despite trying to hide his exhaustion. Screw him with his pride and obsession. I finished my train of thought when he enters the museum. "Hey Eclair..." ah, he can't even hear me in his current state. Luckily the museum was closed, it's about 8PM in the evening. He probably went to mark all the tests today so he can tend to his 'usual' work. He needs rest.

He marches off into a hidden room behind the reception desk and I follow him. "All relics have been polished, the written report of all the relics we've received today has been put on your office desk" he simply nods, no dramatic remarks nor bragging or even talking about the relics backgrounds! Yeah, he's definitely our of it. Luckily, I've made my plan. I've put some sleeping jellies in his water, I still don't understand how they dissolved. I plan on finishing all his paperwork for tonight and also have the schedule planned for tomorrow. We've now finally arrived at his office, I close the door behind me and he arches a brow "Your not turning in for the night?" "I'm alright, just curious about today's relics" "hm" he gives me a suspicious stare then turns back to his paperwork

After a while of fake inspecting a relic report, the drug finally kicks in. I carry him to his couch and put a pillow underneath his head, tucking him in with my pre-prepared items I head to his desk. His paperwork and schedule seems to be just research, simple enough. I roll up my sleeves and prepare for a sleepless night...


Éclair's POV

I entered the museum to meet my assistant standing and waiting. They said something but it was unclear as I head to my office.
They told me about the reports, I'm quite curious of what interesting relics have been donated! I've heard rumours of someone donating a Dragon's Ribcage! We're now so close to finishing that full piece! I'm quite curious of what the full Dragon looks like! We're just missing the head! Clearing my thoughts as we entered my office, my assistant doesn't seem to be leaving "Your not turning in for the night?" "I'm alright, just curious about today's relics" "hm" That's unusual...they must have heard off the rumour to then. I take a sip of water, ignoring that it tasted kind of weird. I must be imagining things...

I'm feeling more drowsy then usual, but I haven't finished even half of the full descriptions! The schedule! Oh pretzel sticks! I panic internally as my eyes disobey my orders. Maybe a nap wouldn't hurt...right?


I slightly sit up as I groan, what time is it... the sun's peaking out... wait. THE SUN'S PEAKING OUT! I snap my neck to my desk to see my assistant sleeping upon it. I quickly get up and check the time on my pocket watch. 7AM, the institute begins at 8AM. Thank the legendaries.. I walk to my desk to see how much work I've missed. Wait..these are all finished! I quickly check the schedule to see the same results. I sigh with relief. Wait..does that mean... I turn my head towards my assistant, they have eyebags underneath their eyes. "(Name)..." I quickly remembered I had to prepare for today! Let's start off with my hair...


Checking everything off on my mental list while putting the blanket they gave me on them. I'm almost out the office..."Thank you.. (Name).." I feel heat rising on my face so I decided to think of today's plans while heading out of my office

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