|| Father!Tea Knight Cookie & Daughter!Reader ||

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|| Traitor ||
(S/N) - Sibling Name
Art by: @Pyro5o5x on twitter!
Request from:@Allythex

3rd POV

"Hey (Name)!" a young cookie ran towards her. "(S/N)! Waking up early today?" "Yup! I wanna go play with Mango!" they're truly an adorable sibling! Yet it's such a pity your mother had abandoned the two of you. She had an affair with your 'Father' and turns out, you both have the other's jam. With that, your family fell apart. Luckily, the 'Dark Cookies' took you in due to your powerful magic. This is the way you've been surviving with (S/N) for the past couple years

"I've got to go to work now (S/N). Remember not to open the door to any strangers!" "Awww... see you sissy!" you kissed their forehead before heading to the next meeting. Now alone with your thoughts, you wonder what it'd been like if the witches truly wanted civilization. The 'Dark Cookies' had good morals but are just expressing it the wrong way. Yourself knowing the truth, convincing the popular biased opinion may be more difficult then it seems. Yet, just destroying/ruling over Earthbread is a bit to much..

"Ow! Apologies for bumping into you sir!" finally pulling yourself out of your thoughts, you examine the cookie. He strikes a high resemblance with you, from hair to eyes to the way he was baked. He seems to notice this was well, yet he doesn't ask about it "it's alright young one" and with that, you both went your separate ways. His features don't leave your mind, could he be... no, it's most likely a coincidence. With that out, you focus on the meeting at hand


The ex-warrior, he was surprised to say the least. That cookie looked exactly like him if he was younger and female. The cookie had scars of her own, the knight wondered if she's the one...that night, he didn't think his lover was already married. Sighing, he felt guilty for giving this poor soul such a fate. Yet he can't do anything about it, he'll have wait to confirm her identity

Going back to your situation, Dark Enchantress planned to destroy the strongest guild with your and Licorice's summoning magic. This would be a sign to take them seriously and see their devotion. Of course, (S/N) will be protected by them during this. "Licorice, how are we supposed to summon a dragon?!" "How am I supposed to know?!" "Just- gimme your spell book" "HEY!" while scanning through this book, you found the perfect spell. "Licorice, the hero's kingdom still has rich soil right?" "Of course, why'd ya ask?" "It says here if we create this magic circle, we can apply your summoning magic, we can revive the Undead Dragon" "Gimme that!" talk about rude. His eyes quickly scanned the pages before lighting up "Let's do it."


Walking back after trying to create the magic circle and failing, you meet the old cookie you've met this morning. He cut down a whole tree with one swing of a robust axe! Amazed by his strength, you wanted him to teach you. "Sir! May I ask how'd you do that!?" your eyes are practically sparkling jewels. "This strength can also become your weakness, are you sure?" "Yes!" the old cookie sighed before looking at you. "What's your name?" "(Name) sir!" the old cookie had a flash of shock in his eyes before returning to his normal look. "Let us see your skill (Name)"" "Yes sir!"....

"(Name)! You're back!" "I brought you a Jelly Burger!" "Yay!" (S/N) was munching on the Jelly Burger as you ate star jellies. Checking your dms, Licorice seems to be able to create the complex magic circle. Wow, he must be really excited. Apparently, we're doing it tomorrow!? That was earlier then you expected...Anyhow, now you mix magic charge powder into your beverage as you chuck it down. Helping (S/N) with their homework and tucking them into bed, you grab the affinity orb you've stolen.

Using the orb, your stats appear in front of you. 3 searing raspberry and 2 swift chocolate toppings are applied as you had maxed out on level in both skill and in general. You couldn't find any of your soulstones though so you were stuck on 1 star. Being satisfied with your stats, you turn in for the night. Texting the 'Dark Cookies' general group chat you're ready and maxed out, pomegranate answered with how the plan is now in action. At 6am, you'll meet Licorice and apply your skill. Then the true battle begins


Heading to the location, Licorice had finished summoning the Undead Dragon and are summoning some of his minions. Now applying your skill, Warmaster. The skill was similar to the famous Battlemaster but the effect applies to summoned creatures. Instead of the increase of attack and crit, this skill heals all allies under the effect once an ally dies. Putting on your treasures (Cheesebird's coin purse, Bookseller's monocle, and Jellyworm's sticky goo), you begin the riot.

Tea Knight cookie is yet requested for his presence. He refused until he heard about a certain skill. Warmaster, it's almost exactly like his! The cookie mentioned on the battlefield matched the girl who train with him yesterday. It was his daughter. He felt his heart drop, his successor joined the enemy's side. A Traitor, was his ex-lover threatened? No, she abandoned them her own will. He now felt rage, for his ex-lover abandoning his children, for seducing him in his young days, for leading souls to the wrong path. He grabbed his armour as he joined the war


As the guild held off the enemy, Tea knight went for the dragon. It was getting more buffs as the battle rages on, he should end this quickly. Using the skill Battlemaster the battle was now on more equal footing, that is until a certain cookie stopped him from progressing to the dragon. "So you are my father. The one who had an affair with my mother!" "..." (Name)'s anger was raising as she attacked while her father parried. "She lied, she told me she wasn't married" you stopped. Your mother...no way. Yet he is right, you knew it deep inside. She did abandon both you and your sibling...

"No matter, for this battle is for Dark Enchantress Cookie's will!" pushing him back, he had lost control and felt a fatal blow to you. "You shall tell no one about my identity if you truly care for me and my sister..." you retreated as your skill was a important step to this plan. Tea knight listened but did defeat the dragon. After the victory, he claimed that it was just a coincidence and that he had no successor. You can only hope you and your sibling had a better future ahead of you...

A/N: I'm sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for!

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