|| Éclair x Reader x Red Velvet ||

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|| Who am I? ||

Tags: angst (?), fluff, overcoming trauma
A/N: this leans toward Red Velvet more then Eclair!
Art by: @Ousamars on tumblr!
(Part 2 of "|| Yandere!Éclair x Reader ||)

3rd POV

"(Alias)! Have you seen Chiffon?" (Alias), the name that replaced the old and fragile you. "No, I haven't Red Velvet. We should look for him before he encounters one of the 'heros'" Panic arises within your friend. Despite his hard exterior, you've come to the conclusion of him being a softie mentally. He really does care for his Cakehounds. Such adorable creatures to be named 'monsters'. How it disgusts you

"We should look for him before dawn, I do still wonder where Chiffon gets all that energy from..." "Right, Chiffon! Come here boy!" Red velvet begins calling for Chiffon while you stick around him. Despite your fear of love, Red Velvet awakens the familiar feeling of being cared for. You truly appreciate him, of course, with everyone else. "Red Velvet..." "What wrong (Alias)?" worry sweetly coating his gentle voice, a familiar feeling of 'butterflies in your stomach' arises. "Chiffon's over there" You pointed in a less dense area within the forest

"Chiffon! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" The gentle cookie rushes to his beloved pet. It's an adorable sight to behold in honesty. Yet unfortunately, you two have company. Grabbing the talisman from your pocket that was made by Licorice per your request, Licorice's minions arise from the ground to protect you and Red Velvet. With the gentle cookie now on guard and you protecting Chiffon, you now recognize the familiar faces...

Eclair with Espresso are on guard as well. Eclair clearly not recognizing you. "Take Chiffon and run Velvet.." "(Alias)! What are you thinking?!" The now stern cookie raises his voice, he doesn't need to get involved in this.. "Do you trust me?" You turn to the cakehound caretaker. He pauses for a moment before nodding. "Then run with Chiffon" he's hesitant but complies. Now back to the current situation, you take a deep breath before confronting the person you hate the most

"We meet yet again, Eclair.." "I have no relation with you!" He yells, he's changed. Not only his appearance but also his personality. "How foolish of you to walk this late at night" 1 more minute. Espresso casts Grinding while Eclair casts Book of History. You avoid the attack of Espresso but get Hit by Eclair. Luckily, their attacks are out of range to reach Red Velvet. "Ugh..how DARE you touch me!" You screeched as you remember Eclair's disgusting actions. Using your rage, you casted your own spell, Vengeance of the Fallen.

It's a spell that you've obtained after you got revived, it doubles the damage of all the targets who've hurt anybody. If the target hurts the caster, it'll also apply poison. The more severe, the more damage. A scale appears above both of the professors, Eclair's scale tips more then Espresso's, but they both received hard blows from your skill. You take this chance to escape but you got trapped with the skill Care for a Latte?. Being dead right in the center, you scream as it does fatal damage to your body

"It's not noble to escape a duel dearie!" Curse that Latte. Almond appears and uses his enchanted handcuffs on you while you're immobilized. Your eyes darken, screw them all! You let a giggle, the cookies stare at you. "What so funny being arrested kid?" "It's just, you don't recognize me. Has it really been that long?" this irritates the cookies. "I have a message. (Name) says they wish you in hell." you smirk as the realization hit everyone, Eclair's expression was the most amusing out of the crowd. Oh how his face turns from irritation to shock to fear, it truly was a work of art

"(Alias)!" many cake monsters arrive as you get swooped away by your 'Knight in Dull Armour'. "(Alias), don't do that ever again.." Red Velvet hugs you tightly as you feel your cheeks fill with warmth. "What did you do to my precious (Name)!?" "Don't you dare call me by that name. You don't deserve it." Eclair flinched at your sternness. "Let's get out of here before the cakes get hurt" you hushed into Red Velvet's face which he just simply agrees to. While retreating, Eclair had yelled the words you hated the most from him "I love you! Please come back! I'll promise I'll treat you better!" The only thing that's satisfying is that he's begging

With the enchanted handcuffs broken, you casted Vengeance of the Fallen on him once again. This time, he collapsed due to the strong force. "My skill retaliates the pain of others, poison is a sign that it's directed to me. You've damaged me beyond repair Eclair. Giving you another chance is going to end up in the bad ending" with that, the cake monsters and the two 'evil' cookies vanished. Eclair now oozing with jam, has tears in his eyes. He's messed up big time. He's smashed the most precious relic in the world to pieces, and it's beyond repair...


Now in a safe place, you and Red Velvet rest against a tree. You braced yourself for what you're about to do, shivering, you tilted Red Velvet's face to your way. You tried to kiss him, for only your and to block it. Now, you're both a fuming mess. "(Alias)...please don't tease me like that" "I'm not, just...scared I guess.." the gentle cookie looked your way, understanding your trauma. An awkward silence fills the air as he just stares at your flushed face, debating what to do in this situation

"May I..?" "Excuse me?" He pauses, after a minute you realize which makes you a blushing mess yet again "You may" with that, the grabs your face gently with his cake arm, and smashes his lips against yours. After not kissing back, he was about to pull back until you deepened the kiss. After what seemed like seconds which was mintues, you both pulled apart. Heavy breaths can be heard. "(Alias)..." "(Name) is fine" you give him a gentle smile as you tackle him to the ground into a hug. He's now the blushing mess as you cuddle into him "I love you Velvet.." "Me too...(Name)"

In the distance, Licorice and Bat-Cat are watching the scene. They've been sent to search for the two. "Well, looks like Red Velvet had the guts to do it after all" Licorice snickers at his pet's comment. "I'll spare those two lovebirds the trouble" Licorice stated before heading back to the base

A/N: I did another oneshot! You may be wondering when I'll start the headcannons or the character x character. I'll make a request page after this, so make sure you visit if you have a request!

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