|| Red Velvet x Reader x Licorice ||

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|| Which One? ||
Request by: @BoxOfDonuts
Art by: @thefanciestfool on Twitter!

2nd POV

This week has been... eventful to say the least. You're daily schedule applies to you're average life, until your two friends started treating you more.. nicely? They seem to be more friendly towards you, yet they seem to dislike each other more! Was it something you said? Were you spending more time with the other? You are aware of their disliking with each other, poor cookies were co-workers too... you can't imagine how much they fight at work! Unfortunately, you're unaware of their true purpose...

Arriving back home, you got text messages from Red Velvet and Licorice. They both wanna hang out! Perfect! You can make them bond with each other during this! Texting your idea in the mini group chat. Both agreed as you guys planned the hangout. To summarize it, you guys will meet at the Museum tomorrow at 10AM. You always wanted to see the new relics that were donated to the Museum! Now finishing your meal and texting goodbyes, you decide to binge watch Cookiefliex before heading to bed..


Well.. this was rather problematic. Both cookies wanted alone time with you! Yet here they are, waiting for you and glaring at each other. The two cookies had feelings for you. They've actually just found out the other also has the same feelings, which started this 'flirting' war! Such as helping you with work or just in general. To think their 'friend' had the same feelings for you! Both cookies couldn't believe it! Now here they are, sharply glaring at each other out of envy and/or jealously of the things the other did with you!

"Ack! Sorry I'm late! I ended up watching Cookiefliex a bit more then expected.." both chuckle at the sheepishness in your voice. "Do you have any sections you want to go to?" "No, you're choice" you giggle at them saying it at the same time! You might just have misjudged them! "Let's head to the magic section then!" You hop towards the section. Unbeknownst of you, both cookies are now silently arguing at each other...


"A love letter? The contents are quite...disturbing.." The tension releases between the two a bit as worry rises upon the two's faces. "Yes, the sender certainly has a unique... way of affection." offering you a reassuring smile, you feel jam rise into your cheeks. Returning the smile to Red Velvet, you notice how Licorice cookie motions you towards his direction. You flinch after noticing the potion was what the letter referred to.. a sigh escapes out of your lips as Licorice explains how it's now banned "I'm so glad.. unrequited love is tragic.. but this isn't the way!" Licorice nods as you and him chat about the poor receiver of the potion

Arriving at the next couple of sections, a certain relic attracts the attention of both suitors. It was the newest addition to the Museum, the Sealed Tome of Forbidden Power. "I wonder how many spells I can learn in there" Licorice snickers as Red Velvet just simply stares at the relic. "Really funny Licorice" you laugh off. Clearly not aware of the true people the two cookies are. Your stomach rumbles as you cover it out of embarrassment. Both suitors chuckle as Red Velvet beat Licorice to the offer. "Wanna go out for a bite?" "That would be preferred!" You squealed out. The suitors tease you as you guys exit the Museum


Finally arriving at Jampie Diner, you get into your seats as you order. Licorice gets Candy Pasta as Red Velvet just got a Hot Jelly Stew. You got a Fluffy Omurice with a Jelly Deluxe Pizza for Licorice and Red Velvet incase they were still hungry. While waiting for your orders, a rather interesting topic appears. "Why do you think the Witches made us cookies (Name)?" "Hm? For us to civilize and thrive in our own economy of course!" You chirp as your orders arrive. The suitors gave you pitiful looks after you looked at your food. Digging in, Licorice answers with a rather.. weird response

"What if it's not that (Name)?" You stop stuffing your face as you look at your 'friends'. They seem serious.. "Then what theory do you have in mind?" "They made us to eat us." Choking on your Omurice, Red Velvet offers you a glass of water. "What..?" "That's our true purpose." now losing your appetite, you ask the waiter to pack the rest to-go. "I told you we should've waited after they finished the their food.." You hear Red Velvet sneer at Licorice who apologizes. You stand up with the packed food "Let's talk somewhere else." Both suitors look nervous due to your rare tone of voice


Locking the door behind you and unpacking the leftovers, to decide to finally confront your 'friends'. "You definitely know more then I do. Now, spill the jellies." After that statement, despite both being hesitant, they told you about everything. The true Cookies purpose, their role, and their real identity. Tears are now threatening to spill out of your eyes, you feel nauseous.. "We have a proposal (Name).. you can join us. We'll offer shelter and food as well" you look at your friends. Tears finally flooded your senses. You smash yourself into the two cookies, crying

After a while, you accepted to offer after much pats. Now only sniffing, you see your friends playing Rock Paper Scissors..? After a while, Red Velvet 'tsks' as Licorice wins. Heading towards you, he smashes his lips upon yours. Despite your shock, you accept the kiss. Red Velvet does the same with the same result. "Now, which one of us?" you stood still. You finally understand the reason for their kindness this week. You've made a fool of yourself by being dense! Being as bright red as a JellyBerry, you spit out your true feelings

"I can't decide! I love you both equally!" You quickly peck both their lips before bowing repeatedly. Both cookies are now in your current state. Flustered by your response but satisfied, you ended up having a sleepover with the two with the leftovers as snacks for movie night. To say the least, you had blast! Now, you're all cuddling as both cookies wrap around you, not letting go. Licorice whines as Red Velvet just holds you tighter. "We gotta pack.." finally admitting defeat, you decide snuggle with them a bit longer. It couldn't hurt, right?

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