•}Adventure x F!Reader P3{•

526 5 2

•}Fuzzy Feelings{•
Order for: Fandomlove65
Allergy warnings: suggestive, mention of alcohol
Art by: Apchuyuji on Tumblr

3rd POV

As they celebrated the newest cookie's arrival, Adventure had ordered Berry Juice from the Hollyberry kingdom. With Adventure Cookie's connections, they were given a huge discount for the barrel

As the Mother & Father partied, the baby was placed within a cradle with the ghosts taking care of them. As a fine meal was served, the three cookies had 'cheers!'ed before Adventure had drowned in the juice. For how stressed the cookie was, {Name} didn't mind. As she sipped her juice, she also decided to take some bites of the fresh Candy Pasta

Blackberry had left early to insure the child was alright, leaving the two lovers alone. After an abnormal amount of Berry juice, the two started to converse with slurred words. "Hey love~ you did gReaT- *hic* today" "Why thank you.." while Adventure would probably blackout after the doses of Berry juice he had, {Name} was still a bit sober

As Adventure moved his seat next to {Name}'s, he started clinging onto her as if he was rock climbing a steep mountain. "You kno- *hic* tHis wAs planed *hic*.. I didn't know wHy you- *hic* 'd be so scArEd aBoUt iT- *hic*" "I'm not quite sure dear.. perhaps I thought it would ruin your chances adventuring, maybe you wouldn't like that.." {Name} awkwardly giggled

Adventure frowned, that almost sobered him up. Keyword, almost. As Adventure leaned towards {Name}'s ear, he slurred out "I wouldn't mind dear~ perhaps we should have another one~ that would surely solve your worries~" {Name} practically turned into a Jellyberry at that statement. She knew he wasn't sober..but, at least she knew how much he cared about her

{Name} glances at Adventure's face to see him just as red as her, she decided to play along. "Oh~ is that what my dear husband wants~?" Leaning into his ear, she said only six words. "I'll gladly indulge your fantasies again~" before Adventure could react, the rather strong cookie picked her husband up & walked them to their bedroom. As Adventure whined, {Name} knocked on the door

Blackberry didn't even stare at the sight. She simply looked {Name} straight in the eyes, nodded, bowed, then walked to her own chambers. Gently throwing the drunk cookie on the bed, {Name} changed into her sleep wear before changing her husband's too. Quickly checking the baby before falling on the bed herself. As Adventure latched onto {Name}, the wife sighed

"You're too drunk Dear...you should get some rest before the child cries.." "mmhpm.." giving up on checking her phone, she simply tucked in the both of them & shut off the night light with a small click. As she slowly closes her eyes, she really wonders if Adventure truly meant what he said. Knowing that both of them may need Advil in the morning, she sighs again of the nth time of the day, before drifting off to wonderland

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