|| Dark Cacao x Reader ||

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Contains: angst but fluffy at the end
Request by: ThatMultiFandomTeen
Art by: Pyro5o5x on Twitter

2nd POV

There stands a warrior. With his partner, the sword. Staring upon his younger self, training his son. A smile rests upon his face at the sight. That is, until the scene changed. His won very son, slashed him. Twice. His face turns neutral as his emotions stay in secret as he watches his son walk to Dark Enchantress's embrace his son glares at him unlit the scene yet again changed

His lover appeared.. his face turns into one of shock.. "Dark Cacao.." he flinched at the coldness of your voice.."To think you did such things to your son. You are incapable of care and love for a heir (adopted or by birth).  Goodbye.." the warrior attempts to reach out to you.. but you just left.. "(Name)!". To think not only did he lose the trust of his followers..but also his lover.. he really is pathetic.


The cookie jolts awake. Cold chills running down his dough. The cookie stood up to recollect his thoughts.. but he wasn't aware of the Hunter stalking their prey..


You were extremely worried was an understatement. Dark Cacao's followers lost trust in him, his son, the Followers of Dark Enchantress Cookie, everything was on his shoulders. You helped him from paperwork to commanding soldiers and such. You were fine without approaching him, to give him his space. Yet this crossed the line for you, he can't even get proper rest...


"Dear.. are you alright?" He simply flinched as he turned to you. "Y-yes. I'm fine love" his composure sure didn't say that though.. you know exactly what he's thinking. So, you try a different method. You pick up your instrument as you play a peaceful melody. Your skill, Calming the Heart, allows you to play a peaceful melody. Calming the mind and dropping the enemies defence, making them more prone to damage. You used your skill but without the debuffs

Your lover's shoulders relax and his posture becomes less stiff. "Not all hope is lost, after all, you still have Carmel Arrow. Stop putting the blame all to yourself.. what happened as simply happened. Why don't you try to upgrade the gear or such? Move on and try to fix what hasn't happened? Not matter what you choose, I'll be by your side" the melody ends on a high note, just like the confrontation

"Thank you (Name).." was simply all he said before you embraced you. Pecks and kisses were given to before you both lay on your shared bed. You comb his hair with you hands as he completely lets his guard down for a while. He feels safe with your embrace, you did not know how much those words meant to him.. 'Not matter what you choose, I'll be by your side'..

As he finally falls asleep, you giggle to yourself as you give him a quick peck before falling asleep yourself. Silently planning your schedule to help him tomorrow on a sheet of paper..


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