|| Adventure x Fem!Preg!reader P2||

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Contains: human-like pregnancy + stressed cookies
Requested by: Fandomlove56
Art by: CatssAutumn on Nitter.net

3rd POV

Oh god..

That's Adventure Cookie's first thought when you, (Name) Cookie was in one of the hospital rooms. As the clock ticked, Adventure didn't even get a wink of sleep as many, many concerned cookies roam the hospital. As Dr. Bones Cookie was helping (Name) through labor, many thoughts with different emotions each, raced into the cookie's head

As excited as he would to become a father, more dreadful thoughts started clouding his positive thoughts. What if his lover had a miscarriage? What if his love died due to giving birth to his heir? What if the the child came less crispy than the average cookie child?

Meanwhile outside of Adventure's thoughts, Gingerbrave is seen entering the hospital. The brave cookie's mood did a complete 160 as the cookie saw the state of his dear friend

"Hey.. Adventure Cookie... are you alright?" "..." an awkward silence fills the room before Gingerbrave decided to poke Adventure Cookie a bit. "Has he crumbled?" "Wizard! That's not a nice thing to say!" A cookie with a pink hoodie & another a funky hat joined the 'party'

"Ho- MMHM-" Strawberry clearly read the room as she pulled her two friends out along with her late spicy friend that just got there. After what seemed like an eternity, Adventure finally snapped out of his trance

"Ah! Sorry.. didn't see you there Gingerbrave.." oh how depressed Adventure looked. If only Blackberry Cookie came.. she had to take care of the manor so she couldn't make it. Honestly, Gingerbrave was glad that they had soundproof ed the walls or else Adventure may have broken down the door by now

As a ticking of the clock grew louder.. the door creaked open as a Jellybear assistant slowly came out. Adventure would be sweating if he as a human right now...

The sound of crying was heard as the Jellybear smiled. "Your wife did a really good job! The baby is healthy & it's gender is (Preferred gender). Adventure's thoughts had become less relevant as regular humans were on Earthbread. They Jellybear encouraged the father to come inside

There it was, his child is crying as Dr. Bones & more assistants were writing down the date/time of birth, it's gender, & anything else that's relevant. As soon as the baby was handed out to its parents, they immediately became attached

As (Name) & Adventure Cookie discussed about their child, the doctors had left the room right before Adventure Cookie had finally collapsed onto his lover. Peppering kisses & praising her for doing so well...


As the couple came out of their room, the so called heroes came to congratulate the two. As Custard Cookie the III gave him a blessing, they celebrated with quite a big party upon Yogurt Cream's palace as the cookie's request. As Adventure & Yogurt Cream exchanged valuables, Lilac was also interested at the child as he shyly glanced at the child


In the end, the child got quite the lucky pull when it comes to parents. Blackberry was glad everything went fine as she as she taught the father how to care for the child, the mother got some well deserved rest. As the child was in it's cradle for the end of the night, Adventure made sure to treat his lover carefully until she's fully recovered...

A/N: AAAAAAAAA IM SO SORRY FOR THE EXTREMELY LONG WAIT (-^-") I hope this meets your expectations!

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