{2K VIEW SPECIAL} || A Memorable Picnic ||

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A/N: WOOO WE HIT 2K VIEWS! I honestly didn't think my oneshot/headcannon book would reach this far. Here's a special chapter with the season! It's extremely short though ;-;

3rd POV

As the grass turns green, blossoms form and flowers bloom. The temperature increases drastically as many cookies celebrate the new season. (Name), a cookie that seems to have great ties to everyone within the kingdom. After the crazy Shroom incident, the cookie ended up catching the culprits and used it to bribe Red Velvet, Dark Choco & Pomegranate to a certain picnic

It was (Name) and Cherry Blossom's Picnic Party! Everyone was invited with the promise of no harm from the Dark Enchantress's worshippers. It was to celebrate the new season and to make amends with past arguments for a fresh start!

Let us go see how it's going..


2nd POV

Giant blanket check, feast with multiple dishes and jellies check, invitations check, attire.. oh wait. MY CLOTHES- I faceplam myself as I wore such warm clothes on such as sunny day. I dash into a restroom stall as I put on my most favourite clothes for spring weather. As I went back, I see Cherry Blossom with Cherry waiting..

"Hey!" Cherry rushed towards me and hugged me while Blossom just giggled. "Nice clothes (Name)!" You smile at Blossom as a thank you for the compliment as you three await for the others to arrive...

"Hiya!" "Ginger!" Of course! The hero group arrives first. Not much change actually.. most just wore lighter clothing.. "A feast fit for a king!" "What a wonderful party.." "indeed" "Nice!" Chili fist bumps you as they sat under the shade of the Blossom tree. You giggle as you see Cherry and Chili trying to steal extra jellies off before getting scolded by Blossom

That was the last peaceful moment you had before everyone else had arrived. Bonking Licorice and Posion's head with a wrapped up napkin for trying to put hot sauce on jellies was the first thing you did. Now admiring the scene in front of you, you see Hollyberry and Vampire drinking juice, the hero group chilling, and an awkward atmosphere formed with Dark Choco and Dark Cacao until a sugar gnome invited both for tea

To say the least, party was going great. You decide to check on the 'Winter' cookies to make sure they're alright. Cotton seems slightly uncomfortable with the light clothes and Snow was doing surprisingly fine. Princess and Raspberry are having a mini tea party, Carrot and Beet are chatting, Herb's hair has turned green, and the children are colouring under the shade

Before you can take a breath, things seem to.. take a turn for the worse. Latte and Espresso are arguing about coffee magic with Madeline trying to calm them down, Carmel and Affogato are threatening each other, Gumball and Cherry have somehow teamed up with Poison and Licorice for pranks.. giving a sympathetic look towards Blossom who seems to be losing her cool

"HEY!" all eyes are on you. Gulping, you finally had the Courage to speak again. "We came here to relax and enjoy the spring, not fight. Please put our differences aside even if it's just one day! Me and Blossom worked really hard for this.." Blossom is glad for your help while others decide to calm down.. they wouldn't want to start a brawl after all..

Only harmless pranks and glares remained but other then those, it seemed rather peaceful. Grabbing your own teacup next to Blossom's, you finally took a breather as Mint decided to play his violin. Many dance with each other among the crowd, you felt a nudge from Blossom before she put her teacup, parasol, and suitcase down. Making sure you put your's down before pulling you in the crowd


As cheers of joy and laughter filled the air, night sneaked upon your joy. As the stars shine brightly, everyone sat down awaiting for the surprise you've told everyone about. "Cherry! Now!" With a flash of light, the night sky was filled with fireworks. Couples snuggled together and friends pointed out their favourites, everyone was filled with joy

Heck, even Dark Cacao and Dark Choco made amends for this show! Children began falling into a slumber as a blanket was placed ontop of them, many others headed back as well. Blossom and others who offered to help clean up stayed to do their job. You simply looked at the constellations tonight. What a truly beautiful night it was for you! A core memory even!

As you store this memory in your Important Memories Album, you tuck pillows under the children's head and separated them by gender (they/them were placed alone with a lone a blanket and a Jelly Bear Toy). Sleeping alone but within the range of all children, you close your eyes as you await for Moonlight to take you to dreamland. If only more days were like this...

Peaceful slumber befell all cookies in the kingdom that night, even ancients and legendary's. You softly snore with a smile plastered on your face..

A/N: I feel like I could've done better ;-;

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