|| Adventure x Fem!Preg!reader ||

917 9 3

Contains: Angst but fluffy at the end
Requested by: Fandomlove56
Art by: SenpaiMoxhii on DeviantArt

2nd POV

"IT WAS ONE TIME!" you smash a wall, jam oozing out of your hand as you sob into it. Blackberry attempts at comforting you as you cling into her for support. Of course your luck was bad, as per usual. Small ghosts arrive to hand you a handkerchief in which you sneezed in. "Do you plan on telling him?" "Not yet.. I'm not ready.." Blackberry nods in understanding as she motions her sealing her lips shut

You smile at her as you calm yourself down. "Thank you.."


As Adventure headed home rarely. The times he did he ended up picking up unusual signs. Morning sickness, grow and loss of appetite, and BlackBerry taking more care for his beloved. He's grateful yes, but... is she sick?! Our poor dense cookie.. either way. This has been going on a while, he think her stomach is getting bigger due to her appetite as well.. Adventure finally decides to confront her

"(Name).." "mmhm, what's up?" He smiles at your silliness before dragging you into the bathroom. "Dear..are you..sick?" As observant as he is, he notices your flinch. "A b-bit of a fever is all! No biggie!" He gives you a 'are you serious?' look. What's making you so worked up? His heart aches as he thought you've lost trust in him..

"Dear..do you trust me?" An audible and dramatic gasp comes out of her lips "Of course I do! Just..I don't wanna worry you.." "You never will.." he leaves for his next Adventure, promising a souvenir. Blackberry sighs as she gave you a look. "No I didn't tell him.. I don't think he'll want them.." rubbing her stomach as the statement left her mouth

A door bursts open as Adventure stared at you, wide eyes like the moon. You tensed and shivered.. he heard you?! Your legs suddenly turn into Candy Pasta as you fall onto your knees, your hyperventilating.. he's going to leave for sure. Who wouldn't? Your parents would that's for sure. Adventure panics as Blackberry assists you. "(Name), five smells." "B-black-berries, j-jelly stew.." after a while.. you managed to calm down

Adventure grasps your hand as he looks at you straight in the eyes. "Are you.." "Yes.. I'm pregnant.." tears began to spill from both, one of happiness and one of pain. "Y-you won't leave me.. right? He hugs you tightly but not tight enough to harm the baby. "Of course not dear! I'm..happy.." now you're the one surprised. "How long?" "4 months, it's a boy.."

You sigh in defeat as Adventure does a victory dance. He brings you to your shared bedroom. He peppers you and your stomach with kisses as you both giggle, play-fighting. Lying in bed together, you fell asleep as he combs your hair with his hand. He's going to be a father.. he sighs as he also heads to bed, big spooning

To say the least, he stayed home a lot more..

A/N: Extremely short ;-; I'm sorry :')

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