|| Stawberry Crepe & Sibling!Reader ||

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|| Who are you? ||
*Not Romantic*
Request by: @inotclairelolD
Art by: @honeleina on DeviantArt!

3rd POV

You've messed up big time.

You were just practicing with Timekeeper before your magic went haywire. Now you're floating in your space, many portals appearing at once. You feel like you're going to throw up, you see other universes to the future of your current one. You meant Timekeeper at a young age due to your magic, she actually aid you to train this magic despite coming from a different universe. Ignoring your past, you try your best to at least travel to your universe. Unfortunately, you were knocked out before you can find the right timeline


Sluggishly getting up, you find yourself in a sort of ruined kingdom. Wait... this is the Vanilla Kingdom!? How is it in this state?! During your state of panic, you spot a group of cookies looking out you weirdly. "Excuse me..are you alright?" A cookie with a strawberry hoodie and a lollipop as a weapon asked. "Yeah, just... dizzy is all.." "We should escort them to the healing station... right healer cookie?" Healer cookie? Upon closer inspection, you gasp audibly as you identified him as Pure Vanilla Cookie. The ruler of the Vanilla Kingdom!

"Are you... alright ma'am?" A cookie with a wizard hat asked. "Yeah, just, surprised with how p-" wait. You don't remember this in history books.. are you in the future!? "How I ended up here! Yeah totally!" You stumbled, the 'healer cookie' flinched at the close mention of his true identity. "I'm fine, just trying to find the castle.." "May I ask, why?" "I wanna search for any remains of ancient magic!" Thanks to this happening pretty often, you've mastered the skill of thinking a excuse with limited information! "May I go with you?" "Of course!" A cookie with a candy cane answered

So, your names? "I'm GingerBrave!" "Strawberry Cookie..." "I'm Wizard Cookie" "The name's Chili Pepper!" Youth, how nostalgic.. "I'm (Name). I'm aware that the other cookie is 'Healer Cookie". Now heading towards the castle with the crew battling Wafflebots, you're heading closer and closer to the castle before... "So you were the cookies who were destroying may precious wafflebots! To think there was cookies here!" A certain pink-haired engineer appeared. You teared up at the sight!

It was Strawberry Crepe Cookie! Your precious sibling! Oh how you missed them. You were thrown out and locked out of your own universe. To think the binding finally broke after all these years! "Strawberry Crepe!" You ran towards them and hug them tightly "H-hey! What are you doing!" "Do not remember me..? It's me! (Name)!" It took a moment to register before the child also was in tears. "(Name)..? Weren't you missing?" The child returned the hug with a even more tight one

"I was...I'm so sorry for leaving you here.." "I was put in a Cryobaking pot! I couldn't see you!" The child's true personality finally sone through the emptiness of his cookie body. The others stand awkwardly as they see the moment. "How long has it been..Has the Dark Flour War ended..?" This made 'Healer Cookie' flinch again. "What wa-" "Can you let me talk to healer cookie? You can go ahead." The group of cookies just nodded before leaving the three behind. "The last time I heard, the cryobaking pods were still in testing..." "it's been many thousand years.." "ah.. I see.."

Feeling guilt wash over you, you decide to make your choice. "Strawberry Crepe, would you like to time travel with me..?" The child's eyes lit up immediately at the mention of time travelling. "Of course!" Crepe hugs you as you give a sympathetic look at Pure Vanilla. "I hope you find yourself within the lost years" you simply state before making a portal. Offering your last goodbyes, you and crepe enter

A/N: I'm sorry for making this shorter then usual and taking longer to make! My motivation left me quite suddenly... P.S. I may not upload for a while at certain periods of time but will always write at some point in the book! I hope I didn't disappoint you requester ;-;

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