|| Vampire x Reader ||

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|| A Fun Night ||
TW: May contain suggestive themes, mention of alcohol, possessiveness, minor blood
Requested by: No one
Art by: WinterWolf on Pinterest (?)!

A/N: Sparkling's Juice Bar will be described as an actual bar that has walls and a roof bc it makes more sense

2nd POV

A little jingle could be heard as you entered the bar. The chatter immediately swarmed you as you find comfort within the noise. Skipping toward the counter, you see your beloved boyfriend drunk yet again.., Herb who is having a rather calm chat with Sparkling, and Mint Choco performing as always. Sparkling notices you in which Herb follows his gaze

"Oh! Long time no see (Name)!" Vampire immediately snapped his neck towards you "(Name)~~! *hic*" He lazily pounced upon your shoulder while you sigh. "I'm here to pay Vampire's tab as per usual.. also, the usual please.." Sparkling nods as Herb closes his eyes, listening to the tune. "Vampie~, you know better then to get drunk while your sister is out"

Vampire pouts as Sparkling brings out (Non-alcoholic beverage of choice). Vampire clings on your arm as you pay Sparkling for your drink and Vampire's drink(s). Tired as you are, you feel energized just by teasing Vampire about his behaviour. "(Name)~ stop t-" he suddenly stood up and rushed to the restroom. "That's what you get by drinking so much!" You giggle as you await his return

Deciding to get a closer toward the music, you push your way into the crowd and sat at a nearby bench. Closing the eyes as you enjoyed the classical music, but that moment was short lived..

"Hey hot stuff~" oh great. You try to maneuver out of the cookie's reach, yet your attempts end up fruitless.. "The name's (Random Name)~. Say, why don't we have some fun~~" tracing their hand against your stomach..yeah, you were definitely uncomfortable.

Within the opposite side of the bar, there was where Sparkling was located. "Sparkles~ where's (Name)~" "They went towards Mint, haven't came back for a while now.." Vampire raises a brow but shrugs it off. Pushing through the crowd, the scene he saw definitely sobered him up..

"Cmon~ Let's party n' mingle~" now this random cookie has gone under your shirt/dress to trace around your stomach. Attempting to get out of their grasp, they ended up pinning you up with both your hands in their one hand. Above your head..

"Where do you think your going gorgeous~" clearly sorting this out maturely won't work..so, you bite their arm. No avail.. that usually wo- "Heya (Random Name)~" Vampire! The cookie looks confused upon your boyfriend's arrival. "This one's mine.." "I'm afraid you're touching MY GIRLFRIEND" the cookie flinched at the spooky aura before standing up for themselves

"Oh yeah?! Bet ya I can please them better then you!" The cookie was about to violate you before Vampire punched the cookie in their face. Holding you in front of him, he bites you on your neck, looking at the displeased cookie. Jam seeping out, yes it did hurt, but you surely blushed at the meaning behind it..

When logic finally clicked in, the cookie scrambled on their legs running and screaming "VAMPIRE!" similar to 'bloody murder' type of scream. New customers flinched while older ones payed no attention. Vampire smirked as he finally un-bit you, licking the jam off his lips

"Sir/Ma'am/Mx, I'm afraid this is the third time you've caused trouble in my bar." Third? Wow.. All eyes were in them, even Mint stopped playing! "Harassment even when you're drunk is unacceptable! This is the last straw, you are banned at my bar!" the cookie went pale as they ran out, clearly embarrassed. Many cheered while Sparkling just sighed

Now arriving at the counter, Mint has started to play a more up-beat tune while Herb went somewhere. Leaving Sparkling, Vampire, and you at the counter. "Ahem, I don't suggest you...do it here." "OF COURSE NOT!" Vampire burst out laughing while you're red as a Jellyberry. Sparkling realized the situation which also turned him into a chuckling fit

"YOU TOO?!" Great. Maybe I should snitch to Alchemy Cookie about this.. you smirked as you an idea popped up. "Talking about you and Herb~" Vampire is now on the floor laughing to death, Sparkling and Herb who heard the conversation are now the ones red

"Alright alright, truce?" "T-truce" shaking hands with Sparkling, Mint ended his performance as another performer is now on stage. "A couple more drinks before we turn in for the night k?" Vampire practically sparkled as the four of you chatted and celebrated within the night..

A/N: A bit more spice;). But I now announce I'm a sparkleherb shipper :p

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