{SPECIAL} || Stressful Yet Suspenceful Weeks ||

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Request by: No one
A/N: It's the last week of school for tomorrow! I haven't been updating due to lack of requests/motivation, however I'll try once summer break begins!

2nd POV

As the last couple weeks hit the students, so did the endless stress with it. Whiter it's the Parfaedia Institute or the school run by Pure Vanilla, all students suffer with the same fate. Many study for hours or participate more, but all are counting off the days one by one...

"Cream Puff.. you're formula is a mess.." you sweat drop as you & Cream Puff Cookie have been practicing in the woods. "Heheh.. I guess defeating the dragon didn't help much" you can't tell if she's bragging or she's just that low on self confidence..

"We should move onto history, we both suck at that one" you both laughed awkwardly before you two headed into the town. Ignoring the rumors of the Créme Republic has been difficult, but you & Cream managed

Taking a deep breath, you two reviewed what you've learned last class & took a look at your notes

From the legendaries to the dark flour war, you two took a much needed break as both of you ordered beverages & snacks at the cafe. Taking this time to look at the town, you've finally decided to acknowledge it's beauty

From the cookies that roamed the streets, to the glimmering lights. As the heat rises on earthbread, you wonder if you should sell some anti-soggy potions for the kingdom Gingerbrave remains in. More aspiring adventures would be fun for those 5

"(Name)! We should continue before we forget this.." "Ah! Sorry! I zoned out.."


3rd POV

Somewhere else, there's couple of small cookies in the Crow's Nest Inn. "How's business Black Rasin Cookie?" "We're quite short staffed.. the little ones's final exams are coming so I preferred if they study than do this.."

"Hey! We can still help!" "Yeah!" Black Rasin sighs as she rejects them "You should focus on your studies.." as the dejected small cookies leave after losing the argument, Rasin faces Gingerbrave again "Would you mind helping us?" "Sure!" and with that, they continue to serve the customers


2nd POV

As you bid Cream Puff goodbye, you headed home to study just a bit more before heading off to bed. Doing your routine, you finally fell on top of your comfy, fluffy bed. As the weekend's over, you sigh with a heavy heart as the long waited exams finally start

Closing your eyes, you felt your limbs go limp as you welcomed slumber right into your arms, you can only hope you pass your exams with flying colors..

A/N: Goodluck with the last week of school ^^

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