|| Wind Spirit X Human!Reader ||

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|| Friend Or Foe? ||


Your POV

I sigh as I make my way back to my lonely apartment. Working your average office job's minimum wage surprisingly was enough for me to pay my rent. It's not my dream job but it'll work for now. I grab my keys as I opened the door to my apartment

After taking off my mask and disinfecting myself, I head straight towards the kitchen. I mean...I did skip breakfast so I- "OW!"What was that? A mosquito again!? It's the third time this week! I swing my head toward the direction to only find a cookie? It's green-toned with a green crystal on its forehead. It's hair is a darker green as it's upwards. It seems to have shot something at me...

"Where am I?" The cookie sternly said, ouch! Talk about blunt... "You should answer my question first of; WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY APARTMENT!?" He flinched as he cautiously drew his bow again "WAIT DON'T SHOOT ME! I'm sorry for screaming like that...I'm (Name) and you're in my apartment..." he lowered the bow as he gave a hum of approval. "Apologies, I am the protector of the millennial tree, wind archer" formal eh?

Millennial tree? What's that? "You weren't made of dough so I assumed you were an evil spirit or a witch" THAT HURT! "Do you know how to head back?" "No...?" ....uhm "You can stay with me for the time being, alright?" He hums again as a sign of approval. "Well, since I have no idea what the millennial tree is, I'm guessing I'm not from wherever you come from...this is earth, where humans roam" he seemed to be in thought now...

"Humans...aren't they witches" he drew his bow yet again, he's blunt yet also dense...oh boy. I raise my hands up in a 'surrender' type of style as he got what I meant. "Look, I don't know who you are or where you're from. What I do know is that you're not around from here.." I stated. I wonder that they eat..? They ARE cookies after all.. would jellybeans work? I search in my satchel as Wind Spirit tensed up yet again "Ah-ha! There they are!" I exclaimed as I took out a bag of my new jellybean snack. I put one on my hand and reach for Wind Spirit. He glares at me as he inspects the jellybean. After 3 minutes, he grabs it and....ate it? Or is it absorb? "Peace?" I ask sheepishly as he hops onto my hand "Peace."

My life just became a little more interesting with a sentient cookie as a companion

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