Request Page!

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(We no longer take requests here! Please head towards the •>Request Cafe<• for requests, it is located I bit more down in the index!)

Hello! Author Cookie here!
This is the request page! You may put any oneshot or headcanon requests here! Please do keep in mind that yours might not be chosen! Let's move onto the rules and the things to do most!


~I don't do nsfw! (May change in the future)
~Adult x Child romantic stuff I will NOT do
~I will do Adult x Child as a parent and child thing
~If you want specific things mentioned in the
oneshot / headcanon, please mention it in the request!
~I accept Platonic relationships!


~I do x readers from all genders!
~x readers as the reader as a parent are one
of my favourites too!
~I also specialize in Kingdom characters!

Anything else may take a bit longer due to the lack
of experience / knowledge I have!


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