|| Espresso x Reader ||

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|| Magical Jelly ||

Contains; Angst, Near-death experience

Art made by:  @llomandarin (?)

3rd POV

After a long day of teaching at the institute, Espresso arrives back into his cookie home, where his lover awaits for his arrival.
"Espresso! Welcome Home! I've got us jellies an-" "Not now (Name). I've found another lead to an advanced coffee spell" The 'busy' cookie states rather bluntly as he walks to his 'experiment room'. The poor lover sighs, knowing it'll be another one if those months. When he's like this, he won't turn down until forced. The lover does wonder how he still can teach in that state though. Eating dinner alone and packing the leftovers with a cute lunchbox, the lover stuffs the food into his suitcase. Now in the cold and empty bed alone yet again, the cookie can't help but sob. He harms himself like this even though he's well aware his lover cares for him so. The lover ends up crying to sleep on his side, hugging a pillow


His lover took a stroll around town, walking and window shopping before finding the Library. The lover thought about what happened yesterday, now determined to find a solution. Since he wouldn't fall for the same tricks they've pulled in the past to get him to sleep. They went into the history section, hoping to find some sort of technique that can be used multiple times. In the end, they found a book with a pretty interesting title. 'The Magical Jelly'. After skimming through the book, their summarize is written inside their head. If you find this jelly, the person that touches it may make a wish. To the person that eats it, the wish that was casted upon the jelly, shall be granted to the eater. These are extremely rare jellies found in highly dangerous areas. Confident in their magic and combat, they left a note and went on their journey


Espresso arrives back again, just barely noticing the note. The reads its contents with a sudden worry flashed upon his face. The note states;

Dear Espresso,

I'll be heading out for a bounty mission for some extra coins, remember to eat your meals and sleep properly! Extra jellies and candy pasta is in the fridge, I'll be back in a couple of days. Love you!


He tired cookie didn't doubt your abilities no, but he was still worried for your safety as per always. He reassures himself that you've done this before and how you're powerful. Yet he couldn't shake off the constant worry crawling up his back


Now traversing a thick forest, the lone cookie sets up 'camp' on a tree. Unpacking their sleeping bag and leftover jellies. They finish their last meal for the day. Ready to get some shuteye but determined to get the jelly, they've fallen asleep thinking of where it might be located

Waking up and packing their sleeping bag, they set off on their journey once again. A lit torch in hand, they travel deeper into the forest. They make a mental list of the possible locations of where the Jelly may be located. As they used the torch to burn any threats, they discovered a cave with black, thick thorns covering its entrance. Burning the thorns, they venture deeper...

Your POV

This cave is pretty big... I've been walking for quite a while, or in circles? How far am I in? I turn back to see the entrance replaced with a dark pathway. I'm definitely lost. Wait a minute...where's the grou- AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! I'm sliding down!? To where?! ACK! "Owww..." I look around, whoa... it's beautiful here! There's a large pool of glimmering water with a opening above shining with light, the opening has vines hanging from above. There seems to be vegetation around the 'cave', it kinda reminds of a oasis... now where to start... taking a look around, I decide to search in a mini forest in the upper right corner of this 'cave'. I'm surprised that no creatures have found this place yet.... Climbing on the rocks, I see a jelly in cased in a jar! I didn't expect it to be so easy! Grabbing the Jelly, I wonder what I should wish... I shouldn't wish for him to go to bed with me everyday... he has his nights where he just needs to do work or research.... I know!

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