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I step through the door, dropping my luggage bag on the floor. I shut the door, waiting for my family.

Octavia rushes down the stairs," Well, look at you!"

She jumps into my arms, and I spin her around, holding her tight," You got so big." I laugh.

She scoffs," Are you kidding?"

I laugh," Yeah, I'm kidding."

She smiles brightly," I'm happy you're home!"

I sigh, looking around the house," Yeah, it's nice to be home."

My mom walks in," Look at you, my college man."

I smile, embarrassingly," Hey, Mom. How are you doing?"

She smiles," I'm good, look at my one room!" I hug my mom, laughing.

Octavia laughs," I have to get ready, I have a party to throw."

My mom walks towards the kitchen," So, how long you home for?"

" Uh, I have the semester off-I'm taking it off. But I don't know how long I'll be around right now."

" You doing okay?" She asks, sliding a cutting board towards me," Want to help out?"

I nod," Sure."

" Are you okay, Bellamy?" She continues to ask.

I shrug," Yeah, I'm fine." I start cutting the cucumber into little, perfect, circular slices.

" Why are you taking a semester off?"

" Because I can. I need some time off."

" That's what a weekend is for, honey, you don't just drop out of college for a couple weeks!"

I sigh," I'm going to bring my things to my room."

" I'm just worried about you." She smiles.

I nod," You don't need to. I'm fine."

" I left everything the way you had it. In your room. I hope you don't mind."

I shake my head lightly," It's alright." I travel to the stairs, taking my bags.

I drop my duffel on the floor, glancing around at everything in my room. My hand touches the wall, as I look at everything hung up.

A sketch of my face hangs on the wall, Clarke's signature on the bottom right. I remember she drew this of me while we were at the beach. I drove three hours to visit her for the weekend during the summer she went to her art program.

Another picture of us, hangs on the wall. A sketch of two people holding hands. Below her signature, a note:

To my one and only XO

I grab the bottom of the page, forcefully pulling it from the wall, tearing it in half.

I pull other pictures of us from the wall, throwing them to the floor. Photo booth pictures, couple selfies, and other pictures of us. I tear down notes, ticket stubs, and everything else that I put up for her.

I finish cleaning up my room, putting all the memorys into an old shoe box. I leave it under my bed, kicking it under with anger.

I head into the hallway to get out of the house for awhile, passing Octavia's room. She sits at her vanity, applying lipstick.

I knock on the door, stepping inside," Hey."

She smiles," What's up?"

" Is Clarke coming?" I ask, casually.

She stares at me from the mirror, guilt in her eyes.

" How is she?" I ask, desperately.

" Bellamy..." She turns and looks at me.

I drop my head," I know I shouldn't be asking, but I can't help it."

" She moved on."

" I know." I say, my voice cracking.

" She's happy, Bell."

" Is this him?" I ask, O's phone buzzing from a call from Daniel, his contact picture of Clarke, Daniel, and Octavia.

She slowly nods, holding out her hand. I place her phone in her hand, leaning against the wall, my hands in my pocket.

She answers," Hey...I think we're good, yeah, alright see you soon. Bye." Octavia looks at me with a guilty look.

" I'm going to go for a run." I say, leaving the room.

She follows," What do you mean you're going for a run?"

" I need to clear my head." I shut the door of my room, changing into more workout clothes.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't stalk Clarke's facebook. The thought of him touching her drives me fucking insane. They live together. He knows how she chews, how she drinks, how she dances, that she hates tea, hates wearing fuzzy socks because they're too warm, how she loves caramel chocolate, how certain games and shows make her happy, how cranky she gets when she PMS's; everything.

Everything I once knew and adored.

I can't compete with that. But I'm Bellamy Blake, and I love Clarke Griffin. And no matter what has happened in the past and current, nothing will change that. She may have chemistry with him, but she has history with me.


So the last paragraph is really just to chill you guys out with the whole "OMG they broke up" situation...he's gonna try to win her back (spoiler)
Just like the last story, there will be ups and downs, because I'm not into that fluffy cute stuff so just deal with it, honestly it's just so much more interesting & if by the end they're not together, then I'm not doing my job at writing a BELLARKE fanfiction

Let's raise the comments on this book higher than the others!!

QOTU: (Quetion of the update)

How do you feel about this new Daniel character? (Alden Ehrenreich) His picture above!
He has the cute/nerdy but also the older/sexy vibe I wanted & I hope you guys like him as an extra character too (-;

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