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I walk into the room, slowly and carefully closing the door behind me. Bellamy's right eye opens and quickly closes.

I laugh," Do you realize how much stress you put me under?"

He doesn't move.

I plop down next to him, laying down and resting my head on his shoulder," You drive me crazy, Bellamy."

His eyes slowly open, and I smile up to him. He breathes," You're hurting my arm."

" What happened to you?"

" I got into a bar fight last night." He confesses.

" What the hell? I thought you were with O?"

He hesitantly shakes his head," No."

" Why did you lie?"

" I could ask you the same thing."

" Stop it, stop talking to me like that. You've put me through enough, and I'm still here. When no one else is, Bellamy, I'm here."

" I didn't ask for you to be!" He yells.

I sit up," I'm taking you home. And we'll talk there. I'll sign you out." I stand up, heading to the door.

" Clarke?"

I turn," Yeah?"

" Can you do me a favor?"

" Sure, anything."

He looks at the windows," Leave."

" I don't understand..."

" Get out of here, Clarke!" He yells, looking at me with anger. " Leave me alone! I'm done with you! You say I've put you through enough, so have you, Clarke. Except I choose to be done with it. Done with us, done with you." He says harshly.

" Go to hell, Bellamy."

I rush out of the room, the nurse smiling," Will you be taking him home, Ms. Griffin?"

I shake my head," No, he can drag his ass out himself."

" Excuse me?" She asks, looking around confused.

Octavia comes up behind me," Clarke, they wouldn't let me in, is he alright?"

I stare blankly at her, letting the tears roll down my cheeks.

" What's wrong?"

" Bellamy and I are done." I turn and walk away to the elevator.

She follows," Clarke, we have to talk."

" There's nothing to talk about."

She drops her head," This is my fault. I grabbed the wrong bag at the wedding." She holds up my bag, a guilty look on her face.

" I have your bag?" I ask slowly.

She nods," Yeah..."

" You're pregnant, O? It was your ultrasound?"

She nods," Yeah." A smile creeping on her features.

I grab my bag," Congratulations."

" I was so-"

"-You Blakes, are all so manipulative. I don't want any part of it anymore. Take care of yourself." I turn away, heading down the sketchy stairs.

Once reaching my car, I burst into sobbing tears, and I drive off.


I lay awake in my bed, a week later. Empty take-out boxes scattered on the floor, my bed completely unmade and sweaty, my room dark and comforting, my hair greased to the max; and nothing is okay.

My phone is shattered on the floor by the window, and at least a million times a day I hear the home phone ring. I watch reruns of jeopardy, hopeless unrealistic chick flicks, and midnight horror movies. I haven't left my bed in days, unless you count bathroom trips and picking up the delivery from the front door, I haven't ever really left the comfort of my bed.

The bedroom door opens and the bright light blinds me. I hide my face, groaning.

" What the hell is going on with you?" Kim laughs, pulling my covers from my bed.

I pull up my legs, holding them close.

" Classic case of a broken heart. Come on, let's get a drink. It's five o'clock somewhere right?"

I look up at her confused," What?"

She laughs," I'm joking, you don't deserve a tasteful martini or anything fun. Get in the shower, we have life to go live."

" I'm not getting up."

" Like hell you aren't, respect your elders, get off your ass."

" What are you doing here?"

" Octavia finally called me, after my honeymoon, which was great, thanks for asking. She filled me in on everything going on. You were pretty nasty, but you can apologize later. We need to talk, Kim's advice is the best advice, remember? But we can't do it here, it smells horrid. Has something died?" She picks up a pizza box, opening it and cringing," Yeah, looks like it."

I roll my eyes," I'm not leaving."

" Clarke, why are you acting like this? You have no reason to be mourning anything!"

I roll my eyes, laying back," You're not in charge of me anymore."

" Clearly you still need guidance. Why aren't you up yet?"

" Bellamy and I are finally giving up on everything."

" Okay? And you're a beautiful grown adult, go to the club, hit up the girls, move on with your life."

" I don't know how to move on. I don't want to." She sits down next to me, pulling me into her lap. I start to cry, as she rubs my head. " I'm hurting, Kim."

She nods slowly," He is too."

I sit up, wiping my tears," He is?"

" He's been calling you non stop."

" I've been hearing him at the door every now and then, I figured he just wanted his stuff back."

She shakes her head," No, he's a nervous wreck without you. He's not taking Karen's illness very well, and soon Octavia is going to share with him about her pregnancy, and he's on crutches. He's struggling just as much as you are. You need each other. And maybe all these wrongs can show you guys that."

" I don't think it's that easy."

" It won't be, you two need to work on communication."

" Bellamy is such a hothead."

She laughs," And you're stubborn."

I shrug," I can't, I told him to go to hell."

" If you can't tell, he's already there. And by the smells in here, you're too."

" Do you have to be right?"

" I'm trying to help you, this isn't healthy."

I groan, getting up, and looking at the mess," I can't believe I left my room like this!" I start fumbling with all the trash, stressing out.

Kim laughs," I'll clean up, you seriously need to go shower."

I roll my eyes, looking at my dirty body. I groan again, rushing off.

" My Clarke is back!"

I pop my head back into the room," And I have a future to settle."

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