twenty-seven (the end)

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The next week, flies by as if no time has passed at all. Everything is a blur. No Clarke, Octavia keeping her distance, and my mom, slowly dying in the hospital.

Her cancer took an unexpected turn last night, coughing up blood and unable to breathe clearly. She was sent to the hospital with O, and I stayed home. Useless with my own crippled body. I drank the last few nights away, actually crying myself to sleep, and sleeping away my hangovers. I skipped work, just a dumb editor at some lame publishing company. I'm in no mood to read low-experience future best sellers.

I blew off anyone who tried to talk to me, and I frequently drove by Clarke's. I drove drunk, being reckless with no thought or care.

I haven't shaved in days, and showering wasn't very likely happening either. I haven't brushed my teeth, made my bed, nor cleaned my room of various bottles and cans scattered across the room.

I ripped up old pictures on the walls, except one, keeping it in my pocket.

I'm on a name-to-name basis with the bartenders down the street, and with the clerks at the nearest liquor store. One guy mentioned an AA meeting. I thought about it, then I felt Clarke's picture, and I grabbed another bottle.

It didn't even make it home before it was empty.

I lay outside in the backyard, taking a break from the white walls and alcohol scented bedroom. I felt the grass in my hands, and let the rain land all over my body. A bug crawled onto my arm, I killed it.

I thought I heard the gate, but I've been hearing things.

Then, there it is. The most heart-breaking sound I've ever witnessed.
My body couldn't respond.
My brain couldn't function.
I just laid there, and hoped it would sound again.

And it did.

" Bellamy." There it is again. The warmest, caring, but deadly voice. I craved for the sound. I would feel pain if I didn't hear it again.

I sat up, turning around. The lips from where the sound arose, parted. Her eyes stared at me with confusing, lust, and passion.

Mine stared back the same, but I wanted more. I needed more than to just stare.

She breathed,""

" You." I responded with a light laugh.

" What are you doing outside?" She asked gently. Looking up at the dark sky.

" I thought if I stared at the stars long enough, one would fall and I could wish on it."

She hides a smile," I want you to know, I take back everything I said to you, at the hospital. I was just hurt."

I drop my head," I hurt you..."

She comes towards me, stopping when I stiffen at her closeness. She continues anyways, sitting next to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. She hugs me tight, laying her head down. She whispers," It hurts me worse when I don't have you."

I pull away," I know." I say, agreeing.

" How are you?" She asks.

I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear," I'm not so good. But as long as you never leave, I think I'll be okay."

She smiles, her cheeks turning a light pink. Her smile sobers me up. She sighs, the smile kept on her lips.

I rub my thumb across her cheek," I adore you, Clarke." I stare from eye to eye, trying to read her reaction.

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