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" I told myself not to cry in front of everyone, I'm sorry." I say with a nervous laugh, wiping under my eye," Anyways, Kim, when I started to live with you junior year, I had no idea what my new life was going to be like. I was scared, I was sad, and also excited. Life was changing, and you never know what to expect when everything gets flipped around. But you were there for me, during all the ups and downs. And now, you're married. And over breakfast, you told me you were scared, but very excited. I realized at that moment, life is changing, and you don't know what to expect with David. But I can tell you now, he'll be there for you, during all the ups and downs. I love you Kim, and I wouldn't want to give you away to anyone else. Congratulations, to Kim and David!" I hold up my champagne glass, hearing some cheers and claps. I take a sip of my champagne, handing off the microphone to Bellamy, the best man.

I sit down at the long table, hugging Kim.

Bellamy laughs," Uh, I don't know how to top that...tough act to follow."

I smiled, grasping my chair as I watched him, the man that I love, talk about love. And if it wasn't obvious enough with that dorky smile frozen on his face, you could tell he was in love himself. But hey, I already knew that.

" thing I learned, that in the face of true love, you don't just give up. Even if the object of your affection is begging you to."

That last comment sent me spiraling back, to all those nights with Daniel, and when Bellamy came back home, and all those nights I laid awake and alone, after Bellamy left.


I knocked on the front door, calling Bellamy, we were suppose to meet for lunch after our last summer cheer practice but he never showed, and his phone is going straight to voicemail.

Mrs. Blake opens the door, and smiles," Clarke, come in! It's so nice to see you!"

I smile, hugging her sweetly," I was wondering if Bellamy was here? He missed our lunch date?"

She drops her head," I'm afraid we have some news...Let's talk in the kitchen, I just made some cookies."

I nervously follow her, completely confused and overwhelmed with this odd-ness. We casually talk while eating a warm batch of chocolate chip cookies, not mentioning Bellamy at all.

I hear the front door open, and Karen walks out of the kitchen. The door slams shut and I follow.

Octavia yells," There's no sign of him! I called his boss, Ryan, and he said he quit yesterday." I see Octavia and her jaw drops," Clarke." She looks at her mom and then back at me, then back to her mom," Has she heard from him?"

Karen shakes her head," He missed their lunch date."

I stare blankly at the both of them," What is going on?"

Octavia speaks up after a moment of stares and silence. " Bellamy left."

" What-"

"-We believe he left for college, but he didn't say anything about it, to any of us." Karen adds.

" What? He just left overnight? That makes no sense! He was acting fine last time I saw him, why would he just leave?"

Octavia shrugs," I have no idea."

" Let's drive up to him then, we'll find him and ask him, he wouldn't just leave unannounced."

Octavia looks at her nails," I called him, and he answered, and he told me to stop."

" Stop what?"

" Just to stop." She answers, quietly.

I start to feel sick," This makes no sense at all. Is he mad or something? Did he need a break? Why is he being like this?"

Karen looks at Octavia then to me," We were also thinking you two got into a fight or something...and we all know how he is after something like that.."

I shake my head," No, we were completely okay. I thought we had more time together before he had to leave, and he wouldn't leave on terms like this..."

Octavia asks," What did you guys do when you last saw him?"

" Well, I had a doctors appointment in the morning and he dropped by later while I was sleeping, and cuddled next to me. We had lunch, we were laughing and everything was just normal. I guess he could've been distant, but I don't remember feeling like things weren't good. I, everything was fine."

" Are you sure?" Karen asks, politely.

I sigh," Everything was okay!" I say, getting angry. How could he just leave like this? Leave me? Leave us?


This is barely a long chapter, but for the direction I'm turning, this is a great part

That line from Bell's speech was from Gossip Girl, I did not write that quote, but it is indeed necessary

I'M SORRY IT'S BEEN AWHILE, I know this happens a lot but I have a life outside of wattpad, and you have to respect that, I'm a sixteen year old girl in highschool with finals around the corner and other personal stuff, so writing gets a little hard and stressful! But I'll always be back! And with this weekend, I'll write ahead!!

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