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I stand with Octavia, and a couple of other friends, an ice tea in my hand. We're all laughing, having a great time.
I watch Daniel across the room, watching a sports game with other guys.
He looks up from the tv, looking for me. I smile, giving a light wave.

He winks, mouthing a 'hi' to me.

I mouth it back, and he smiles. I mouth, 'I love you'.

He mouths it back, then getting pulled away by the guys.

Octavia taps on my shoulder," Want another ice tea?"

I look at my cup, it's empty. I take hers, smiling," I'll take care of it. Enjoy your party."

" Oh, thanks, girl!"

I smile, walking off into the kitchen. I pass through the flapping door, seeing Bellamy leaning against the counter, drinking a beer alone.

I stop in my tracks, deciding if I should turn back or continue to get our drinks.

He looks up at me, and quickly looks away, taking a deep breath. " You can come in."

I walk in, setting the cups down on the counter. " I'm sorry I slapped you earlier."

He shrugs," It's okay."

" No it's not okay."

He looks up at me," Honestly, even if negative, I'm relieved you feel something."

I look down," I don't hate you."

" Stop lying to yourself." He says, walking passed me.

" Excuse me?" I ask, tugging on his arm to stay and talk.

He turns back around, facing me with a scowl. I pull my arm back, scowling back.

" If I were you, I would."

" Well, I don't."

He sighs," God, I really messed up."

" Bellamy-"

"-I just...I have to-" He steps forward, placing his hand on my cheek and kissing me. He pulls me close, holding me at my waist, our stomach's pressed against each other's. His lips are soft and slow, hesitant.

He pulls away a few inches, our breathing unsteady. He looks at me, waiting for me to slap him again.

Instead, I do something stupid. I kiss him again. And this time, it's a little more foreful, almost needy.
He smiles through the kiss," I'm a mess, Clarke."

" I know. I know."

" You're a mess too, aren't you? I want to be your mess, Clarke, be my mess."

I moan into him.

" Such a mess, Clarke, what were you doing? Clarke? Hey, Clarke?" Bellamy starts to shake my shoulders, and I wake up from my daydream. I walked into the kitchen, and I started pouring the ice tea, I must've just dreamt that whole scenario.

I look at Bellamy, and he holds a worried look on his face. I touch my lips, and nod," Sorry, I was out of it."

" I can tell. Are you alright?"

" No...yeah, I'm okay."

" Clarke, you can't lie to me. You can try, but I still remember how your nose scrunches when you lie." He hides a smile.

I look down at the spill on the counter, sighing.

He breathes," Sorry."

" It's fine."

" I'll clean it up, go ahead." He motions to the party.

I shake my head," No, I can handle it."

" Still as stubborn as I remember."

I laugh," Not much has changed."

" I still hide my hands in my pockets." I nod, and in unison, we both say," Old habits die hard."

We laugh, staring at each other. He rubs his thumb across my cheek," You have some tea..."

I take his hand, his fingers still on my face. I slowly lean forward, pulling him close. We keep our eyes open as our lips slowly meet. We're both slow and hesitant, and the feeling of need and lust is more evident now than during my dream.
His other hand loops around my waist and he pulls me into him. His hand on my cheek cups under the back of my head as his familiar tongue sneaks into my mouth.
My one hand holds his back, and a moan escapes from my mouth. We stop kissing, and I embarassingly laugh.

He looks guiltily at the floor, letting me loose. I shake my head," I'm sorry."

He sighs," As much as I want to be, I'm not." I start to respond, but he continues," You'll be mine again, Clarke. I love you, and I know somewhere deep down you love me back."

I look away, grabbing the cups, heading to the door towards the living room. Octavia stands there, arms crossed, and an angry scowl on her face.

She shakes her head," You two are the most selfish people I know. You really deserve each other." She rolls her eyes, heading back into the other room.

I turn, giving Bellamy the ice tea cups. He lets out," Clarke-"

" It never happened." I say sternly, following after O.

She stops in the empty dining room, looking at me with disgrace," What are you two doing?!"

" I had to clear up mixed feelings, O."

She shakes her head," You didn't have to do it like that, did you? Daniel has become one of my closest friends, and I hate what this will do to him."

" I'm not telling him."

She laughs," Like hell you're not."

" I want to be with Daniel. I love him."

" So you tell the truth."

" What if he doesn't forgive me?"

" He won't, at first, but he'll come around. He deserves to know."

I nod," That was a mistake."

She nods," Good. I'm glad you think so."

Daniel rushes in," Clarke? There you girls are! They want to play some games outside, it's cleared up."

Octavia nods," Sure." She glances at me once more before heading out into the living room.

Daniel smiles to Octavia, then looks at me, dropping his smile," Is everything okay, baby?" He walks over, wrapping his arms around me. I hug him back, tightly, resting my head on his chest. " How's my girl?"

" Can we go home?" I ask, looking at him.

He nods slowly," Yeah, I mean I brought my car..."

" I'll leave mine here, please, can we go?"

He looks at me worried," Of course, I'll grab my jacket from the closet." I take his hand, following him towards the foyer.


long(ish) chapter to make up for yesterday's absense! i was so busy, and my chapter wasn't perfect enough! and i really like this chapter so i'm happy i waited to post so i could re-write it a couple times

sorry for that little trick with clarke's daydream, but you know, then it kind of happened again.....hah those two are crazy (bellarke forever!)

tysm for 500 reads already, that's insane! let's get the votes and comments up!!

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