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I kiss Danny's cheek, smiling," Okay, I'll see you at the party. Four o'clock, remember. Okay?"

He nods," I'll be there. I just have some work to wrap up at the office and I'll be there. I promise."

" Don't promise me." I say, upset.

He pulls me close," Clarke, what's wrong?"

" Nothing. I just want to make sure you'll be there." I wrap my arms around him, laying my head on his shoulder.

He sighs," It's not anything else?" His eyes meet mine and he looks worried. His thumb crosses my cheek, and he gives me a reassuring smile.

" Nope." I fake a smile and pull away. " I have to get going. I'll see you at four. Or three-thirty."

He laughs," I've never been late before."

" There was that one time you were twenty minutes late to our brunch with my Aunt. Remember?"

He drops his head," Do you always have to be right?"

I nod," Yes."

He smiles, and I leave the apartment.

I hesitate before leaving my car, sitting in Octavia's driveway.

His car sits in front of mine.

After a brief pep talk, and a check in the mirror, I grab my things and leave my car. I walk up to the house, watching my feet and checking the windows for any signs of the Blake family.

I hear the door open and I look up, feeling my throat fall. I'm in that state of shock. I had dreams wondering what would happen when I saw him again, but it was never like this. I was never as nervous as I am now. I never pictured myself this relieved; to just be standing a few feet away from him, makes me almost happy. I hide an overwhelming smile with a glare.

He stands at the door, holding it open. He's probably thinking the same stressing thoughts as me. What do I say? What do I do?

I step forward, and then he does too, letting go of the door. He stops on the porch and I stand next to him, giving a casual smile.

Who will break this growing silence?

His lips part in a sigh, and he shakes his head," I have no pockets to hide my hands."

I hold in a laugh, feeling my cheeks reddening. " Old habits die hard."

" How are you?"

" I'm..." Confused. I'm happy. But I can't find the words to tell him that. " I'm fine. How are you?"

He nods, shrugging," I've definitely been better."

" What's that suppose to mean?" I ask, regretting the question. Keep it friendly, Clarke, he broke your heart, remember? He left for college with no notice but a note delivered in the mail.

It's better that I leave you

Remember all those unsent letters you wrote Clarke? Remember crying alone in your room because the pain of hurting you felt? The unanswered calls, the unreturned voicemails, everything. He left.

Bellamy takes a deep breath," I'm a mess, Clarke-"

"-Don't you even dare start with that. You left, me. You don't get to be a mess." I say, my eyes forming droplets of burning tears.

He nods, his eyes doing the same," I know."

" It's not fair." I cry. " Bellamy! It's not fair." I start angrily pounding on his chest. " Don't pull that card on me."

He steps closer," Clarke."

" How dare you? Is this some kind of joke? Is there a camera recording my reaction somewhere?" I say with a crying laugh.

The clouds rumble, turning a quick grey. Rain starts to fall, hiding my tears. Soaking my hair and rushing a cold peace over my body.

" Clarke."

" Was I not good enough?" I say with a sad cry now.

His face drops, and his eyes look like he's hurting too. He shakes his head," I wasn't good enough."

" You were. You were for me."

" I left before you could."

I slap him, hard. And he takes it. He stumbles back a little.

" I want to hate you, I really do. But I can't find myself to hate you, and that makes me hate myself more than anything."

" Clarke-"

"-Today is for Octavia, so we have to be civil. But don't you be thinking there's any hope for us. I've moved on."

He tries to say something else but I head inside the house before he can.

Octavia walks into the foyer, heading to the stairs. She catches sight of me, gasping," Clarke?"

I hold out my gift," If it's ruined, I'll buy you another one." I say defeated.

Karen walks in, with a shocked expression," What happened?"

Bellamy follows me in," Clarke, wait."

Karen and Octavia's jaws practically drop as they see him soaking wet just like I am. Octavia rolls her eyes," Should've guessed."

Karen laughs," Look at you two, always getting into trouble."

I drop my head, slipping my shoes off.

Karen nods," Too soon?"

Octavia pulls me towards the stairs," I have clothes you can wear. Come on."

Karen glares at Bellamy," You're not coming into the clean house like this, mister. Garage, now."

He sighs, watching me travel up the stairs, sad eyes in his face.

Octavia gives me a disappointed look, and I stare back with a guilty expression.

I shut the bedroom door behind me," I already know what you're going to say, just save it please." I drop to the floor, hiding my face in my legs.


wow #bellarke reunion so cute

(All will be cleared up more thoroughly but if you have questions, don't be afraid to message me or comment below!)

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