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After many, many, so many drinks later, I'm forced into a cab home. I'm too drunk, beyond drunk to give the man my address so he calls the recent number in my phone call list. Clarke.

I would've expected it to be Octavia, but I might've drunk-dialed Clarke a couple times. God, I hope she never answered, I don't even remember if I said anything.

The cab driver leaves my phone on speaker, saying," Uh, is this Clarke?"

" Yes this is, do you have Bellamy's phone, sir?"

" Bellamy?" He asks looking at me, I nod and raise my hand. He laughs," Yeah, I have him here, I'm his cab driver, he's at route 57 bar and grill, can I get an address to take him home?"

" Bring him here, 100 Ark Drive, thank you."

" Just doing my job, thank you." He hangs up, handing me my phone. I stumble taking it back, dropping it in my lap.


I wait outside, the clouds thundering and rain soon to pour. Bellamy must've seen or heard something, why would he go get trashed at a bar?

The cab pulls into the driveway, and I walk towards Bellamy in the back. He lazily looks at me with a faint smile, but his mind somewhere else.

I hand the cab driver money, and he helps me get Bellamy up and out. I hold Bellamy, his balance no where to be seen.

The cab leaves, and I bring Bellamy to the back. I pick up a bucket of water, that I filled with ice previous to him showing up and me waiting in the front. I throw it all over Bellamy while he leans against the house.

He stiffens up quickly, groaning," What the hell?"

" Thinking that wouldn't sober you up enough..." I pick up another bucket, pouring it all over him again. I drop it on the pavement, angrily heading inside. He follows, about to come in after me, I yell," Don't you dare come inside." I pick up a couple towels from the kitchen table, throwing them outside over his head. " Dry off first, then we'll discuss your behavior second."

He gives a slight laugh, following my orders. I'm mad because I care. I'm pissed because I love him and can't help but feel concerned as to why he would let himself get like this.

He dries off then sits on the steps outside. He looks at the sky, talking to himself. I come out, with some water and ibuprofen, sitting next to him.

He takes them, avoiding eye contact.

I sigh," Hey."

He laughs," I don't want your pity, Clarke."

" Excuse me?"

" You heard me."

" Yeah, I did hear you. I was giving you a second chance to correct yourself."

He shrugs," I meant what I said."

" Why are you being like this?" I ask, feeling hurt.

He looks at me with a blank expression, no sympathy or love in his eyes. He shakes his head," Can I borrow your phone to call someone?"

" No, you can't."

" Clarke-"

"-Why are you looking at me like that?" I say, tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.

He looks away," Octavia told me."

" Told you what?" The misconnected phone call comes back to mind and I nod," She didn't tell you everything."

He holds up his hand," I don't want to hear your explanation. I'm done, Clarke, okay? I'm over this. You're happy, and I have to find a way to live with it." He says, calmly.

He stands up, walking towards the yard, just looking at the dark sky.

I breathe, holding back tears, following him. I stand behind him, grabbing his arm," It's not what you think, Bellamy."

He turns to me, pain in his eyes," I don't know how to live with it, Clarke. Do you really love him? If you do, then fine, I'll give up, if that's what you want." His hand hangs in front of mine, and he kindly takes it, wrapping his fingers around mine. It's like he's reaching out for hope.

" After all we've been through, you would give up on this, us?" Even after some stupid rumour from Octavia, that isn't even true.

A tear falls from his eye," I don't want to give up."

" Then don't." I whisper.

His lips crash into mine, and his hands hold my cheeks, keeping me from escaping. But don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I clung onto that kiss; it stabbed holes in my soul, in my heart. It froze my feet the ground, and all air came out through my lips, pouring everything I had into him. The kiss paralyzed my whole body for a split second, and a part of me was frozen in place. But my mind? It was anything but still. The amount of havoc his lips caused, was unfathomable. I forgot who I was, where I am, and my surroundings vanished.

He pulled away, his breaths heavy and his eyes wandering back and forth at mine.

" Come inside." I offered.

He didn't say anything, he just helplessly nodded, taking my hand as I led him inside.


Bellarke is a powerful thing, never expect a bellarke reunion anything below extraordinary, phenomenal, or incredible, because I promise, it will always be a 10/10 (OTP forever)

I wish it was this crazy beautiful in the show *tear* *tear*

I know you guys somehow hate/love me for the teasing and ups and downs but you gotta know fluff is gross and makes for a dull story, but we should be going up from here and do not fear a coming end because I'm not nearly done yet


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