Conversation vs Argument

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Enough of this" growled Thorin, his face grim and annoyed" We have questions" . He was about to say more but i quickly interrupted him " So do i!" I said in my most cheery voice " Isn't that great!!!!!" Thorin looked pissed, but he tried to keep his composure " Well.." He snarled " Thorin" said Gandalf in a voice just as worried, Thorin just ignored him. " What. Are. Your. Questions" spat out Thorin. Ha! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. This. Would. Be. Fun. I opened my mouth and......

"Well, for starters i would like to know what in the hell is up with his face" i said blatantly staring at Bifur's head. " Seriously! There is like an axe in his head! How are any of you not worried about this?!?" Bifur looked shocked, staring at me blankly for a second, before he starting mumbling in the dwarf language...Khunzle? Eh, something like that. Thorin went to talk, but i quickly kept on going "Anyway, ignoring that total impossibility, that guy over there has put like three spoons in his pocket in the last five minutes" everyones heads swivelled to who i assumed was Nori, Dori started telling him of in dwarvish, and Beorn was looking at him suspiciously. Thorin looked like he may explode. " Excusing Sushi" everyone looked at me like i was insane, but it was too late, Nori was now Sushi. This is probably because when i tried to look him up once i forgot to type from the hobbit, and i ended up with pictures of seeweed.

I quickly continued. " Now, back to my questions" i took a deep breath. " How in hell are you planing on robbing a dragon? Why don't you all try to kill it? Don't you remember the part in the prophecy saying 'the lake will shine and burn'? Aren't you the least bit worried about that?? How do you think you will get through mirkwood? Fom what i remember the path is broken. Where am i meant to go? Just run into mirkwood, hope an elf finds me or something? Thats insane! Anyway, what are you gonna do about the men and elves that live nearby. I know you hate Thranduil, but quite frankly he has an army, and together, you could kill the dragon! I know he betrayed you, but have you ever asked why? And don't say he was a coward, he may well be, but you should ask him, if only to embarrass him with the fact he has no answer. Anyway, you could use his help, and there is so much damned gold in that mountain you could give him a little."

"And i know you're stubborn and all, but aren't you doing this to give a home to your people? I have to believe its more about getting rich. And Thranduil could help. It may wound your pride, but it will save lives! And the men living nearby, i know they are all poor, and they would help you gladly with minimal wage. They could restart Dale! And u know this is a lot to take in, but its about time you thought about it. I need to warn you, that gold can be tricky, it messes with your mind! Plus i know the future and i have to help. I know things that could change this world". I finally stopped. All the dwarves looked at me in silence.

The silence continued for no more than a minute. I could see the dwarves faces mould and change into different expressions. Thorins gre dark, like a storm cloud, yet somehow, under all the hatred and anger and fury, i saw sadness, and pain, and betrayel, and it made my heart clench. "I don't see how that is any of your business" growled Thorin, his voice as soft velvet, get holding unbound fury, a whispered threat. He went to continue, but my heart changed in a second, and so did my mind. " You're right" i said softly, yet clearly. " It is not my right to ask such things of you, i apologise" it felt weird, like my outlook had changed in mere seconds.

" i guess the thing is, i took it too far. I want to help, but i shouldn't force my views on others. You know the funny thing? I actually hate conflict. It makes me feel horrible. I don't know what the future holds, only what it could hold. Its are choices that make us who we are, and there are so many choices to be made, i don't know why i asked those questions, except maybe the first, i want to know what you plan to do, but you just met me. I guess its because i already know you. Ive read about you, thought about, a few times even dreamed about. Ive somehow made this image of you in my mind, but i can see how for you it might not be the same. You just met me, and i must confound you all so. Those questions can wait, and be made at the time of trial when are heads know truly what the stakes are. And who makes those decisions depend on the time. I have always been the type of person who planes something, then gets to the point of reckoning and does something completely different. For you that might not be the same." Tears welled un-fallen in my eyes. And all the dwarvlooked grim. " Maybe its best we all eat, and forget this happened, if not for a while". I finnished.

The dwarves all looked at Thorin , he nodded, and they slowly and quietly started eating. The closest thing to me is bread, but quite frankly i think that may be a bit to hard for my shrunken stomach right know. I reached out, but i couldn't actually touch anything. Gandalf just picked up the plate in front of me and loaded it up with a bit of everything. I normally hate someone else serving me, cause i hate my foods touching. Who wants bread soggy with fruit salad dressing? Or warm peas mixed with their cold salad? But luckily Gandalf only picked a bit of each dish, and nothing touched. He placed it in front of me and whispered in my ear "Try not to eat to much, it would not do you well to get sick". He then handed me a knife and fork and spoon. Whoh! At least he didn't try to feed me. I studied my plate.

I have a small, simple salad on it, its looks like its filled with fresh carrots, cucumber, peas, tomato, weird green leaves and snow peas. Their was a small chunk of the softest bread. Their was some cut up fruit, apple, pear, grapes, banana, apricot and cantalope. There was also a sweet looking cake and some dried seads, they looked like the were meant to go on things, but obviously Gandalf left me the option. I was shocked there was no meat on my plate ( did i mention im vegaterian?) oh, wait, Beorn probably doesn't serve meat. Thats why, well anyway, I'm glad there isn't, meat smells horrible, and i think if it was placed in front of me right now i would puke.

Beorn has gone, and the dwarves have started quietly chattering. I slowly ate a bit of everything on the plate ( even the seeds) it was all nice, but all the flavours were incredibly strong as i haven't eaten for a while. It soon became obvious that i need water, but Gandalf just passed me the cup. I guzzled as much water down as i could, then i just sat in silence and stillness. The animals all pressed up against me, but things couldn't be more awkward. I hated that i left food on my plate, but i literally couldn't eat another bite, at all. Eventually Gandalf picked me up and carried back to my room. A few dwarves nodded goodbye at me, but thats all.

When i got in my room i finally got a chance to study it. It is simple, wooden, a nice dark brown. I had a small table, an armchair, a few other things such as a dresser and candles, and a bog bed to one side. The bed had a red embroidered quilt, it looked rather american indian. I suddenly wonderer who's bed it was? I hope i wasn't kicking Beorn out of his room, i went to say somethimg, but my tongue is lead. Gandalf laid me down in the semi hard bed, and tucked me in. I see his blue/grey eyes as i immediately drift off. And my last thought is, i wonder why i haven't gone to the toilet here yet.
AU: Ok, i hate people who ask for likes but..... Any comments or likes would be a dream come true.Btw, i will answer any questions/comments, take advice etc. ( plus if anyone wants to creat an elf i can put it in soon).

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