Waking Up Take 2

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AN: Yeah... I know... I suck..


Does anything just... hit you? Like, your lying bed, or going on a walk, or brushing your teeth and suddenly... WHAM! You remember you are late for something, or you forgot something, or sometimes, it's just random. Like, you remember some old joke, or crawling into your parents bed as a kid, or laughing with a friend. It's just this strange feeling that suddenly wakes you up from your monotony. Then suddenly you are rethinking everything you thought was right, you are trying to remember every other thing you could have possibly forgot. Your brain lights up like a Christmas tree.

That's what it felt like when it hit me. I was just lying about in the darkness, getting warmed and warmer and then there was this voice. It really was a beautiful voice. It wanted something. I don't know what. It would come and go, so much so it had become a new reality of my existence. Sometimes I found myself just sitting, waiting for the warm, syrup like voice. Other times, I just wanted it to leave me alone so I could get some goddamn sleep.

I really was having the strangest experience. It was like I was asleep, yet awake. And boy is that tiring. So I was lying about, then it hit me. An old argument I once had with a friend about the necessity of pineapple on pizza. That was it. But then, then I started thinking, what happened after that again? When was the last time we talked? How are they? How am I? Where am I?......What's going on?

And so here I am confused beyond reason and its all coming back. Its like the darkness was stealing parts of me and piece by piece I was disappearing. And that makes my goddang mad! How dare it! How dare it try to rob me of me! How dare I let it! Sure, I was in a strange ass body in a strange ass world but I had a mission....yeah... I did! I wasn't going to let them die! Any of them... stupid dwarves!

Now I just have to wake up, and its hard. Harder than anything I've ever done before, but I'm coming back to myself now. Dragging myself out of self pity. Damn it! I will wake up! I will explain this stupid ass situation! I will put up with everything I'm gonna have to put up with.... I will survive this batshit! Whoops! I'm not meant to be swearing... I think... to be honest I'm kind getting a little confused on the matter. Whatever. Ok, waking up in progress I'm doing this....

Yep, I'm gonna need to open my eyes.... urghh... effort! Why is not dying so much effort... I think that question answers itself... anyway... waking up now!

Using as much effort as I can muster I decide to make it up in one stroke, who has time for the slow, chill, roll over and slowly wake up shi..stuff! Not me! Muahhahahaha! Ok, I'm definitely not insane... wink wink! Yep.... Ok, ready, set, WHACK!!!

What the flying fork! (Mental pat on the back) Ouch! My face! Why the hell was something big and hard right above me? Oh me god! They better not have buried me alive. I slowly reach out one of my hands from where they have settles on my aching forehead to feel if I'm in some messed up coffin or something... All good. The slowly I feel something wrapping around me... hands. I'm being lifted up. I want to make a noise, open my eyes or I don't know. It's like all my senses are blocked, I can't even hear or smell. I can feel the warm embrace though and the gentle rubbing of my forehead that soothes the pain.

I wonder if this is what it feels like to be a new born.....nope! That thought is wayyyy to creepy! Delete! Delete! Good. Slowly I feel things coming back. Smell, mmmmmm, it's warm and somehow smells of safety (weird I know). It's like, like freshly baked bread mixed with the smell of wooden floors and just cleaned clothes. It was nice.

And talking. It starts off strange and incomprehensible, but transforms into real, soothing words of safety and light and relief. Now I just need to be able to see. Mission accepted. Gently wrestling my arms from this rando's torso I attempt to force my eyes open with my hands. Suddenly my hands are being kidnapped! Evil arms! "Grrrr". Wait?!? That came out for real! Muhahahaha! Speech has returned! Victory is mine.

I manage to force my eyes open, now to let the silly world stop being so confusing and blurry. Its like everything is maroon... why is everything maroon?! Ok, not the time to overreact, it's not the world that is maroon. Just the torso that owns the hand trapped MY hands! Lol, that was a loooong thought! I can't help but giggling at it. Oh fudge cakes. I am probably sending some very mixed signals right now. SorryNotSorry.

Slowly I look up at the rather confused face of my captor.... Lord Elrond? WTF! Now this can't be right. I shake my head... nope, still him. And now he looks even more concerned.

Now, I have to really emphasis, I can not be blamed for what happened next. Really, it was his fault! So I quickly slipped my hand from his loosened grip and quick as a viper poked him directly in the nose. I'm really gonna struggle convincing everyone I'm nearly and adult now!..... Worth it.....

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