An Old Friend

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"We should get comfortable for I believe we have much to discuss" sighed Lelrond after a long pause. Victory! Muahahhahaha! However, as the saying goes, don't count your chickens before they hatch. I immediately know something is wrong as instead on simply letting me down or even carrying me to the bed.... he seems to think he's welcome there and that I want to sit on his lap for the duration of the convo! Not a chance you evil mongoose!

I go to turn to him to tell him just how much of a fabulous impression he is doing of a Koala (I don't think they have them here though....). However, he instead starts talking to the random elf who I've already forgot the name of (whoops) whilst mindlessly making me into a very fat burrito with an impractical amount of blankets. Damn it's comfy though...

I'm distracted by Thranduil pulling up a chair by the bed and am feeling both very annoyed at all the attention.... and admittedly a little comfy. Doesn't good old Thrandy have a Kingdom to run? Then again, I am probably the only elfling in all of Arda so maybe they want to have a good old fashion pissing contest over me? Ick!! Then again, Lelrond already called me is daughter so maybe they've already done it? If so, Kudos to Thrandy for looking wayyyyy less salty than I'd expect!

"I believe we should begin with the happenings of this past month" starts Thrandy rather... nicely? Damn.... I'm liking him a lot more than I would have expected. He has a strangely cool vibe.  Weird.

"At the beginning, we were very shocked by your arrival and were accordingly suspicious of the dwarves. Naturally Lord Elrond was alerted immediately. Thus, we imprisoned and questioned them thoroughly to find out what had befallen you and how. I was very much shocked and sorrowed to hear the sufferings they recounted" he said with tears glistening in his eyes.

I must admit, I'm not to impressed by the whole imprisonment thing.... but I did kind of show up half dead with little explanation so it kinda makes sense....kinda. Still, in the books he imprisoned them for much less so I'm still a little peeved. Also, why did he call Lord Elrond? I scrunched my face up in concentration at the thought and was immediately 'rewarded' with a temple massage by Lelron. Geez, someone really has to teach this dude about boundaries!

"After hearing of the aid of which you received at their hands - which was later confirmed by Gandalf the Grey - it was decided to 'discuss' with them their current situation and options" Thrandy continued and wow, never before have I seen someone seem so pained to admit they had to have a reasonable conversation with another person. Yeez, the racism here sucks.

"We came to 'agree' to wait for the grey wizard to return to them to discuss further their next action" Thrandy says and jiminy crickets I'm impressed he got them to agree to that. " At first the dwarves resisted the idea" ah yeah, the other boot falls " however, we agreed that a select group of dwarves would go open their secret passage on Durin's Day so the opportunity would not be lost". He looked annoyed as he said this but I'm bloody impressed.

"How in God's green earth did you get them to agree to that... or even tell you about the bloody key" I gasped out! Did everyone suddenly go sane????

"It was actually my daughter who convinced them" Thrandy admits with equal pride and distaste (I'm assuming for the need for her to do so) "as she already knew much of their mission" Thrandy continues.

"You have a daughter" I gasp out! This is certainly not cannon. They looked saddened at my surprise and I feel guilty for no bloody reason. Damn elves.

"I shall explain later" Thrandy assures me when I try to ask more questions "you wished to know what happened to the dwarves if I am correct?". Damn his manipulation. Mad respect though. I nod to him and he continues "the door was opened and a few days passed Gandalf arrived and helped them subdue the dragon. Alas, afterwards an army of wargs and goblins arrive. With the intent of long lasting peace, my army aided the dwarves and their kin in the battle. We, along with the allies of men, shapeshifter and eagles alike were able to defeat our foes. A gentle peace has rained ever since"

Ok, well, the last bit sounded a bit patronising, but damnnit I am to happy with this bloke to mind! He really acted like a . decent person? And wow, the standards are low here... ow well. At least from the sounds of it everyone is safe and hey, the battle seemed to have gone better with everyone getting along at the start which is a positive. His change in attitude and desire for peace and security though, has that got to do with me or maybe his cannon daughter?

As that thought comes to my head I catch movement out of the corner of my eye and turn my head to the open door. Down, near the floor is a rather short someone. An elfling kind of someone. A looks scarily like one of my best friends from my world of they happened to have been turned into an elfling someone.

"Gwen?" I can't help but whisper.

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