𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 " 𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓮 "

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Ranboos POV:

I was furious at my mother. She told me that I was in an arranged marriage with Anastasia de'clin. I've know her my whole life, I practically see her as a sister! Anastasia doesn't want to get married either. She has a girlfriend name Jenni. My mother told me if I can't find anyone to marry in the next 3 days, I'll marry Ana.

As I prince I declare to have a right but my mother refused. My older brother, Zoro has a right to who he will marry. So why can't I!?

No ones POV:

"R-Ranboo!" A short girl with multi-colored hair says while looking up at the 7'2 endermen. "Yes Niki?" Ranboo says looking down at his sister. "Mom needs flowers for Seza's wedding dress" Niki says. "Well why can't you do it?" Ranboo says with an annoyed face. "Well I wanted to but mom says you have to, she probably wants you out the kingdom for a little bit" Niki says laughing a little. "Ok...I'll go" Ranboo says.

Tubbos POV:

I'm walking to the hotel I work in with Tommy. I've worked her for a while now. It's better then living with Schlatt. When mama and him divorced he got custody of me. It was probably because he was president at the time. Either that or he paid a shit ton of money. He's been making my life a living hell ever since. Mama visits when he can, he usually does when Schlatt's not home. Mama has told me that he has not told his finances about me. I was a little upset but I understood why. I look nothing like mama.

"I'm here Tommy!" I say yelling. Tommy runs to the door and drags me to the desk. "YOU ARE SO LATE!" he screams at me in a sarcastic way. "You know I have to wait until Schlatt is asleep" I say looking down. Tommy hugs me. He smiles at me then we start to work.

No ones POV:

Tubbo and Tommy start working and then Tubbo phones starts to ring. He check's who's calling him, then his face turns to pure horror. He answers the call. "ГДЕ ТЫ, ЧЕРТ ВОЗЬМИ!?" (WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU) a mans voice could be heard yelling. "я на работе отец" ( I'm at work father ) Tubbo says while shaking slightly. Tommy notices this but can't do anything. He knows this is Tubbos personal life and last time he got involved Tubbo was not happy. "ВАШ В ДОМЕ АЛЕКСА!?" ( you're at Alex's house!? ) Jschlatt yells at Tubbo. " нет отца..." (no father..) Tubbo says in panic. "ты получишь это, когда вернешься домой, сопляк" ( your going to get it when you come home brat ) the phone hangs up. Tubbo starts crying and tommy comforts him. " I-i wish mama got custody of me..." Tubbo says. "I do too..." Tommy says staring at Tubbo. Tubbo notices it's raining.

Ranboos POV:

I finally got the flower and I'm starting to head to the portal. But then I feel a burn on my face, and then hear a sizzling sound. I see rain coming down and then I run to a motel. I enter the motel and start to catch my breath. "Are you alright?" a boy says in a soft voice. I look up to see a short boy maybe 5'3 or 5'4 looking at me. He has curly brown hair, horns and bee wings. His eyes are a beautiful grayish blue color. "He is beautiful" I whisper in ender so he can't hear me. "Hello???" the boy says looking at me. "Oh hello!" I say giving a small smile. He smiles at me, "so you need a room?" he says looking at me and then at his computer."Yes" I say looking at him up and down. "Your room is 127" he says. "Okay" I say starting to walk away. "Oh right! What's your name?" I say starting at the short boy. "I'm Toby Schlatt!" Tubbo says with excitement. "Just call me Tubbo!" He says. "Ok Tubbo," I say as I start walking away. I smirk to myself and start blushing.

Tubbos POV:

I notice that it stoped raining. Now I have to go back home. I know Schlatt is probably gonna be waiting for me. As I'm walking, I feel a tight grasp around my waist and look up to see Ranboo, the seven foot ender men staring down at me. Before I could say anything he falls backwards into a portal.

Note: sorry this is so short!

788 words

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓮 [] Beeduo Royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now