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TW:Intercourse mention, Pregnancy mention 

Tubbo's POV:

I open my eyes to see purple. I mean my husband's room- or our room is purple. I slightly feel ranboo's side of the bed to feel if he is there, and he is not. I sigh, sitting up and grabbing ranboo's over size shirt. I then get up and go to the bathroom, And look in the mirror. It looks like Ranboo took my hair extensions out. My actual  hair is short, it goes up to my neck and it's very fluffy. I usually have to brush it out and tie it up. I brush my teeth and wash my face, and then walk to the closet where a a bunch of brown hair extensions, some make up and a beautiful purple and gold dress falls out. It has a note saying " Niki told me to give this to you and since I have a meeting I left it in the closet, sorry I'm not there my love. - Your husband, Ranboo " I look at the letter blushing and then put the letter down. I then take my shirt off and grab my bra near me and put it on. I slide the dress on which surprisingly fits. Niki must have bought  this dress for me. I then put in the hair extensions and do a bit of light make. I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. 

Dress                                                                    ^

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Dress                                                                    ^

Tubbo's POV: 

I look at the dress, 'it's so fancy and formal' I think. Ranboo didn't tell me if we were having any people or formal events today. Although niki did tell me usually after a royal wedding a big event is held with the family of the groom. I look at myself in the mirror turning angles and looking at my stomach. I hesitantly  place a hand on my stomach. " Ranboo didn't use protection " I say under my breath. I wouldn't know for a week or two, which was something else I would have to worry about. I walk out of the bathroom and towards the door. I walk out to be greeted by a happy niki. " Tubbo! " Niki says grabbing my hands and walking towards her room. " what is it??? " I say in confusion as she brings me towards her bathroom. " I'm dying my hair! " she says grabbing a few boxes of dyes and a bowl from under her sink ". " Oh! what color? " I say looking at her as she bleaches the brown part of her hair. " well, I'm dying it blonde and pink! " she says smiling at me. " do you want me to help? " I say grabbing the rubber mixing spoon. " Yes, but your in a fancy dress, I have a old white dress in my closet! Change into that then come back" she says looking at me. Once I put the white dress on I then walk back to the bathroom and then I do her hair.

Tubbo's POV: 

I look at niki, she is so pretty she put on a blue dress with some jewelry. " How do I look! " she says twirling.

 " How do I look! " she says twirling

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Niki ^

Tubbo's POV: 

Me and niki sit on her bed and chat for a bit. Until

" Hey Tubbo" niki says looking at me stoping painting my nails. " Yes? " I say looking at her in confusion. " Ranboo went to check on you and he didn't come back " She says looking at me. " O-Oh uh...well we uh... we kinda of..." I say looking away and blushing. Her eyes widen and then she speaks up saying " Did you use protection!? " she says looking at me. " well no, but I won't know until 2-3 weeks- " before I could finish my sentence she cuts me off by saying " Well for ender people that usually doesn't happen. " she says and continues speaking " for ender people they are usually able to tell the next morning after the baby is conceived." She says smiling at me. My eyes widen as I look at her " Do you have a test " i say looking at her. " yes it's under my sink, it was seza's old test when she and zoro were trying to have a child " she says as her smile fades a bit. I walk to the bathroom and take the test. I walk out and hand niki the test. Her eyes widen as she looks back at me. I look at her with a slightly  sad look,  It looks like she's about to cry. 

" it's positive...! "

Notes : I decided to base niki's character in this series off of lyaria, Tales from the smp: the masquerade. I loved her role in the masquerade! 

848 words

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