𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼?

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Micheal's POV:

I open my eyes slightly looking at the clock on the wall. ' 12:34 ' I say mumbling. I hear people talking and I sit up from the bed. I shake shroud a bit causing him to wake up. " mmmm....Micheal....it's to early... " shroud says rolling around. " I think papa and uncle tommy are here... " I say getting up from the bed and walking towards the door. Shroud follows me and we go downstairs to see papa, uncle and the pink hair man talking. Papa notices me and runs up to me and hugs me. " Are you two okay!? " papa says looking at me then shroud. " We are fine papa... " I say hugging papa back. Uncle tommy walks up to shroud and picks him up proceeding to walk towards the door. " W-WAIT— " shroud says trying to get out of uncle tommy's grasp. " CAN YOU ATLEAST TELL US WHATS HAPPENING!? " shroud says yelling causing everyone to stop what they were doing. Uncle tommy lets shroud down. 

Papa tells us everything. About the end wars, why I haven't met father yet, etc.

" We think they are back. " uncle tommy says holding a sleepy shroud. " So I'm going to meet father!? " I say smiling looking at papa. Silence. " Yes...but there are people from the end kingdom that want to kill me, you and niki.. " papa says. " wait why....!? " I say with a confused expression. " because we are related to the royal beloved family. " papa says. " we are going to live in l'manburg because they know where we live " papa says looking at me before Turing his attention to uncle tommy. " I think you and shroud should live with us since they saw shroud with Michael. " " hm.... ok " tommy says getting up— still holding shroud and walking to the door. " guess we'll have to pack up " and with that he left. There was silence between me,papa and the man before I hear papa say " Well thank you techno for letting my son and shroud stay here last night. But we should really get going and start packing. " papa says walking to the door dragging me with him. " Yes, of course.. if you need anything let me know..." the man, techno says. 

We get home and I walk to my room going through the broken door. I grab my bag and put all of my personal belongings into the bag. I walk downstairs to see papa drinking some wine ( Note: this is 10 years later so Tubbo is 28 ). When he sees me he finishes his wine and gets up— grabbing his bags. We walk out of the house and put the bags into the car. " Papa didn't you drink some wine...you shouldn't be driving " I say quietly. " Don't worry baby, tommy and shroud should be coming over to drive " papa says smiling. 

 uncle tommy and shroud got to the house and we start driving to our new house. 

A few hours later..

We were finally here! Its such a nice house and papa told me that me and shroud were going to share a room! When me and shroud first walk into the house shroud immediately runs outside seeing a massive pool. " MICHEAL LOOK AT THE POOL! ITS SO PRETTY! " he says shouting from outside. I walk outside towards the pool starting at it. " Shroud...I'm half Ender I hate water " I say slightly blushing from embarrassment. " OH! IM SORRY " shroud says pulling my hand and walking inside to our room. Our eyes widen as we see our room.

 Our eyes widen as we see our room

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We run to our beds laughing. " I love our room! " I say smiling. We then talk for a bit.

Tubbo's POV:

The boys ran to their rooms and are talking . Me and tommy are sitting at the counter while talking. " Do you think ranboo is alive? " I say looking down. " I don't know.... I hope he is " tommy says. We continue talking and laughing until it's night. I tuck shroud and Micheal in— tommy feel asleep. I then go to bed.


I hear a knock on my door. I get up and stumble to the door and open it. " wha— " my eyes widen in shock.


                  " Ranboo.......? "

767 words 

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓮 [] Beeduo Royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now