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Quackity POV:

Me, tommy and niki run down to the basement which is on the lowest floor ( we are on the 5 floor ). We make it to the 4th floor and get greeted by ender-soldiers. They run towards us and niki pulls out her strange looking gun and shoots the endermen. The bullets look weird and rubbery. When the bullets hits the soldiers they scream in pain and fall to the ground. We continue running until we reach the main diner hall. I look around noticing that there are no guards. Niki sits down in the head of the table. She puts her hand on the table and her eyes start to water. She looks at her engagement ring smiling and wiping her tears. " I just realized that mother will never meet Wilbur... " she says getting out of the chair. " I'm sorry niki " I say walking up to her and hugging her. She smiles and hugs me back. Tommy stares outside of the room. " More soldiers are coming! " he says quickly shutting the door. Me and niki break the hug and she walks and bends down removing the rug and opening a secret door. " This leads to the basement " she says walking down the staircase. I follow niki. " Wait " tommy says dropping down some TNT and lighting it on fire. He quickly runs down the staircase and close the door before hearing a 


he laughs and follows me and niki. Once we get to the basement we look around. I notice a door and open it slightly. " Over here! " I whisper not knowing if there were any guards. We walk into the room and we see him.


Niki says running to Ranboo and hugging him. " Niki.. " he says weakly slightly hugging her back. He looks badly beaten up and dehydration. She unties his chains that were bounding him to the wall. Once she unties him he falls into her arms. " Let's go... " she says before I hear clapping. Me,tommy and niki snap our heads around. Niki eyes widen

" What are you doing...  sister? " a tall man says.

" Zoro.... "

488 words

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓮 [] Beeduo Royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now