| 10 𝓨𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻...

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Note : my plan for the story is to end it at around 20 chapters. I don't have a script for this story since it's my first one so I might go above 20 chapters or less then 20 chapter . But that's the Initial plan for the story's ending. I also don't know how well the story is and I don't know if you guys like it 😅. So if you have any ideas for a another book ( Any fandom would do ) or suggestions for later chapters just comment and I'll most likely reply! :D


10 years later 

Micheal's POV :

I don't really know much about my other father. Papa refuses to say anything about him and we don't live near any close relatives. Once I was born papa moved to snow-chester and had a  mansion built for me and him. We would occasionally visit  Abuela and Abuelo but the walk to las Nevadas was far. Actually for some reason papa stoped once I was 5 because of— well what papa would say was " wars and betrayals ". I was upset but over time I eased a little. Abuela would still get me small gifts on my birthday, Christmas, Cinco de Mayo and Epiphany though. Papa was always out. I go to a school in snowchester ( since the L'Manburg school is to far away ) and there are always rumors that papa builds nukes under our shed house which I don't believe. But still... I just miss him. I'm a straight A student but no one is there to acknowledge my achievements. Papa simply reply's with " mhm " every time I tell him something important. My aunt, niki lives in L'Manburg with her fiancé, Wilbur and his son fundy. She does visit once and awhile which is nice. I met fundy one time. We are around the same age ( AU ) so we get along. I also have my best friend, shroud! He's a year younger then me and we are best friends! Whenever papa leaves shroud would come over. He's uncle tommy's son. We would sneak into papa's room and read his books about the end people and the wars. I know my other father is an endermen. I mean I'm a Enderbee for a reason— but still. It's pretty hard not to notice- I have a literal black birth mark on the right side of my face. I also learned how to teleport which Is pretty cool! Back to dad— . I heard abuela say one time that he was a ender prince and he's currently in war which would be why I have never seen him. Maybe he's dead.... WAIT! DON'T THINK ABOUT THAT MICHEAL! 



" You were daydreaming dummy! " shroud says hitting me with a book." OW— " I say yelling holding my head. " We have homework to do! " shroud says yelling. " Oh whatever " I say grabbing a pencil. We work for about 10 minutes until shroud gets up. " You have icecream right!? " he says running downstairs towards the kitchen. " S-Shroud— WAIT- " I say running after him. When we make it to the kitchen he opens the freezer and grabs the icecream labeled " Micheal  " we grab two spoons and go back up to my room and eat some of the Icecream while doing our homework. " Hey shroud.... " I say putting my spoon down. " Mmm? " shroud says while still eating icecream. " Do you ever think about your mom... " I say looking at him. He puts his spoon down and replies with a simple nod. " I asked daddy about her, he told me her name was Clementine I think... ( AU ). " he says. Oh... uncle tommy told shroud about his mom...why can't papa tell me about dad.... it's not fair.... . Me and shroud continue eating the icecream and doing homework. Once we are done shroud goes downstairs and puts the remaining icecream away and walks back upstairs. We talk for a bit until my phone chimes. " Micheal I'm doing some work I won't be able to come home until later tomorrow morning. Be safe I love you❤️ " the message reads. I put my phone down. " Was that uncle Tubbo? " shroud says looking at me. " Yea... well now you can stay over! Just text uncle tommy! " I say smiling. After shroud was done texting uncle tommy we watch YouTube for a bit and fall asleep. 

Few hours later

Micheal's POV:

I hear a strange loud noise from outside that wakes up me and shroud. " What was that..." shroud says pushing his fluffy black hair away from his face. " I don't know....should we check I- " before I could finish I hear some strange yelling in a different language. I had no clue what language though... shroud gets up and walks downstairs. "  I know I said I wanted to check it out but now I don't.." I say reluctantly getting up and following shroud. He opens the door and our eyes widen


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