𝓐𝓷 𝓾𝓷𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓮 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰..

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A/N -      ^.        that's what tubbo's hair looks like without hair extensions it's a little longer then the picture up to his shoulders  ( I based it off of the fire drill animation, it was amazing ☺️ )

TW: Sexual Assault, Blood, shouting , possible miscarriage, rape intended  

4 months later

Tubbo's POV:

It has been around 4 months since I told Ranboo and his family that I was with child. I haven't told any of my family, mostly because I feel like they would be upset. Especially mama, he had me at 18- and I'm pregnant at 18. I do call him every day— along with father... they've been working on their relationship and I have a feeling they might start dating in the future... I really miss tommy. Mama has said that he hasn't been the same ever since I went missing. But I know he'll get better! At least I hope he does.... Anyways! I've haven't been wearing my extensions, I just told Ranboo's family that I cut my hair short because it was getting to hard to manage. Oh! And I also have a bump. It's tiny but visible. Hera told me that today was a family gathering. Ranboo's grandparents,aunts,uncles,cousins you name it are coming. They don't know about or wedding— hell they don't even know he's expecting a child. I'm a bit nervous but I know I'll be fine!


"TUBBO!" I hear niki shout running into my room with a big box and a knife . " All the maternity dresses I bought are here!" She says happily cutting into the box with the knife. " how many dresses did you buy? " I say looking at her. " Like three- " she says smiling and rubbing the back of her neck. " But I didn't know what would look good " she says and continues speaking " two of them are dark purple and one of them are black, to match the theme of the diner party! " she exclaims.  I try on the dresses- them being extremely tight on the waist and stomach. Then we get to the final dress. I try it on and it fits. I honestly love this dress, the purple in it really suits the jewelry niki gave me.

 I honestly love this dress, the purple in it really suits the jewelry niki gave me

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Dress ^

It is really big at the bottom but I love it! " You look so pretty! " niki says grabbing her dress and walking to the bathroom.  She walks out and spins " it's so fluffy! " she says

  She walks out and spins " it's so fluffy! " she says

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Niki's dress ^

We then just sit and talk for awhile. Niki and ranboo's cousin is coming early so that's why we had to dress into our fancy wear. " Have you guys found out the gender yet!? " niki says touching my stomach. " Well, I'm 18 weeks along so what do you think? " I save giving her a sarcastic look. "..no-? " she says looking confused. " yes we have" I say laughing. " WHAT IS IT!? " she says jumping on the bed. I think for a second. " I don't know if I should tell you " i say smirking. " PLEASEEEEEE!!!! " she makes pleading eyes. " Fine... it's a boy " I say smiling . Her eyes widen and she smiles. She then hugs me then we stay hugging for a few seconds until we here a knock on the door. " Come in! " niki says. Ranboo walks into the room in a black suit. "Niki,  Aunt bex is here " he says then niki Immediately runs out the room picking up her dress so she doesn't fall. " Tubbo darling, lets go. He says grabbing my hand and walking me toward the door. I put my other hand on my stomach making it less visible.

Tubbo's POV: I walk with Ranboo until I see a woman with short white hair hugging niki. The woman was wearing a black dress. There was another person next to her— a girl with long, glossy black hair in a more revealing dress and high heals. " Oh my- " the white hair woman says looking at Ranboo . " You have grown so much! " the woman says walking up to Ranboo and hugging him. He accepts the hug and hugs her back. She turns to me and her eyes widen. " who is this human " she says in ender so I can't understand her. " my wife " Ranboo says. Her demeanor completely changes and she looks at me and says " Well hello, I'm bex and this is my daughter coralline! " she says smiling at me and putting her hand out to greet me. I take my hand off of my stomach to shake her hand, causing a gasp from her. " Are you with child!? " she says looking at me. I pretty sure her daughter, coralline heard her, as she looks shocked. " I- I am" I say blushing out of embarrassment. She places a hand on my small bump smiling. " Congratulations! " she says. " thank you! " I say returning the smile. 

More people come into the mansion, I reluctantly hide my stomach with a long black see-through cardigan that niki gave me. Me and Ranboo are sitting on the couch with bex,coralline,niki and some of ranboo's Aunts, uncles and cousins. " Would you like some wine Tubbo? " jesu, Ranboo's uncle says holding up wine, extending it towards me and smirking. "Oh I can't drink wine " I say slowly declining it. " Why not lady? " I hear one of ranboo's younger cousins say with a confused look on his face. " She's pregnant " I hear Ranboo says. The room goes dead silent. " You are!? " jesu says looking at me. I stand up removing the cardigan showing a small see able bump. " I'm so happy for you and Ranboo! " I hear røšâ, jesu ex-wife say with a smile. I smile at her and from the corner of my eye I see jesu staring at me. I feel slightly uncomfortable shifting some of my weight towards Ranboo. He looks at me in confusion. I don't say anything and he just start re-talking. Jesu is still staring at me. I look at him and he looks at me up and down, biting his lip. Niki notices this and is about to say something until I hear Hera say " dinner time! " I Immediately stand up and walk towards niki who then grabs my arm and drags me towards the table. She whispers something in my ear when we sit down. " He use to do that to me too." She says looking in disgust. I put my hand on her shoulder smiling.

My seating arrangement was planned by Haden, I'm sitting in the back. On my left is niki and on my right is jesu. Ranboo is sitting in the very front near Hera and Haden so I can't see him clearly.I scoot my chair towards the left near niki. Jesu notices this and slightly drags my chair near him. Niki looks at me feeling powerless. I mean, me and niki are humans- well I am a bee. After saying grace we start eating. Everything is going well until I feel Jesu hand go up my dress. I immediately look at niki who isn't really paying to much attention to me. His hand travels up my thigh and to my stomach. My eyes widen as he places his nail on the stomach. His nails are extremely sharp. He looks at me smirking as he places more pressure towards my stomach. Then he goes down to my underwear. I'm about to say something. But then he moves his hand up and places his sharp nails to my stomach putting as much pressure as he could.I slightly groan in pain and this catches niki's attention. In the heat of rage, she immediately grabs her tall glass cup of wine and throws it at jesu, causing him to retracted his hand and hold his eye. " WHAT THE FUCK!? " he says staring at niki. Everyturns towards me and niki. Me crying a little bit and holding my stomach, looking terrified , niki looking pissed and jesu holding a now bloody eye. " WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, NIKITA!? " Haden shouts looking at niki. I feel some blood dripping from my legs. She notices this and says " OH MY GOD, TUBBO! " completely ignoring Haden. She then grabs my arm pulling me away as I slightly limp from the pain. As were walking out of the main door I groan in pain loudly altering everyone at the massive table. " THIS IS WHY I DID NOT WANT TO INVITE HIM AFTER WHAT HE DID TO NIKI " " I THOUGHT HE CHANGED " " OBVIOUSLY HE DID NOT, GOD WHY DID YOU EVEN MOVE HIM ANYWHERE NEAR NIKI!? " the shouting continued as I feel cramps in my stomach. Before I could even get to niki's room I pass out

" TUBBO!? "

" WAKE UP!!!!! "

   1563 words

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