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TW: blood,cutting, panic attacks 

No ones  POV: 

Niki runs with tubbo and goes to ranboos room. She then places tubbo on the bed and hugs him. " what is the matter love? " Niki says in a sweet voice ( NOT A SHIP🤦‍♀️ ) " I-I there was so much noise " tubbo says sobbing. Niki hugs him until he calms down. " let's change out of our dresses then you can go to bed " Niki says pulling tubbo into the bathroom. Niki got tubbo pajamas from ranboos drawers ( baggy tshirt and pants) and they both changed. Tubbo got under the covers and quickly fell asleep 

Niki's POV:

i run downstairs and see a whole entire damn village in the main ball room. All  Congratulating ranboo. " mother can I borrow ranboo for a second" i say in a obvious annoyed voice. " yes of course darling- oh where is tubbo.." mother says looking at ranboo. " he's sleeping  " i say while dragging ranboo. " OW- NIK WHAT THE HELL- " ranboo starts yelling but I stop him. " DID YOU NOT PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR BRIDE! HE HAD A FUCKING PAINC ATTACK AND YOU WERE TO BUSY WAVING TO FANS" I say practically yelling. " Well I thought you were dealing with him " ranboo says walking towards his room. " NO I- " before I could even finish my sentence I look at the bed. Tubbo was not in it. I walk towards the bathroom and what I see is horrifying. 

I scream  alerting almost everyone in the party. Ranboo runs up to me and his eyes widen. 

Blood everywhere and tubbo cutting deep into his skin. Ranboo Immediately teleports to tubbo grabbing the knife and throwing it. He looks a tubbo. " Tubbo.." those are the last words tubbo hears before passing out

Im so sorry this chapter is so short!:(

314 words

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓮 [] Beeduo Royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now