𝓛𝓮𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓫𝓮𝓰𝓲𝓷

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Quackity's POV:

We're walking to Jschlatt's trailer outside of the ruins of l'manburg. Me and tommy wanted to give the boys to Schlatt so he can try to get any sort of connection to Micheal. Of course I told Schlatt so he could sober up and clean. He became a alcoholic again once Tubbo moved out after Micheal was born. Once he starting hitting me I left. Never looked back. I wasn't going to deal with him any longer. We did get into one fight though....it was bad and I'm not going to think about it.... once I left I married my two fiancees. I don't know if it was the best choice but we've been married for almost 10 years. We would always fight though so there's that... 

I knock on the door. " Schlatt " I say. He opens the door looking fairly happy for someone who lost his son not even 24 hours ago. " Hello! You must be shroud" he said looking at shroud. Shroud slightly nods. Him and Micheal walk into Schlatt's house. Me and tommy both go in as well. Micheal and shroud are still slightly traumatized so I'll try to ask Schlatt to not make it worst. " Schlatt go easy on them. They saw tubbo's body... " I say holding back tears. He nods. Tommy walks over to Micheal and hands him some pills in a orange bottle. " Well we're off! " tommy said kissing shroud's head and walking out of the trailer. " be safe boys...and Schlatt " I said walking out before I could see schlatt's reaction.   

Me and tommy walk towards the end portal and are talking a bit " I never knew you had a wife " I say. " Well... me and clementine were in.. what you would call a " rocky relationship " when shroud was born " he said. " oh.. and why did you give Micheal pills? " I say looking at my compass. Silence. " Well... shroud is- " he stops talking and looks straight ahead at the water. " I guess we are going to have to swim.. you got the eyes of ender? " he says and I nod. We both dive into the water and swim into the stronghold. Once we are there I put the eyes of ender in the portal. 

" HEY! " I hear a voice call out and I turn to see a certain pink and blonde hair girl. " niki? " I say looking at her in confusion. " Micheal told me you guys were going to go into the end. And you've never been there so I'll help. " she says " oh and ranboo doesn't know who you guys are soooo " niki says  jumping into the portal. We both follow her.

I fall to the ground and get up. My eyes widen. There are so many dead bodies... and blood... I look at niki. Her face is full of terror. " I just want to find ranboo and my family and leave. " she says. We walk towards a castle. " I heard what happened to Tubbo.." she says. " he was a wonderful person and didn't deserve that " I say. We continue walking in uncomfortable silence until we hear a weird noise. Niki immediately stops us and listens. " They are talking in ender " she says getting closer to the wall. " What are they saying!? " tommy quietly yells. She continues talking until her face goes white. " They said that... they said...I.... " niki stumbles with her words. " What did they say niki!?!? " tommy says yelling. Causing attention to the people outside of the castle. She grabs me and tommy's hand and runs into a shed. She sighs and sits on the bed. Crying. " They said that they killed mother and father... " she says. 


Once she has calmed down we continue walking around the castle. Trying to find a entrance. " Niki do you know where a entrance could be? " I say walking towards a window. " that'll make to much noise. " she says walking to a door. " Bingo. " she says opening the door revealing a staircase that leads down then up. " This will bring us up to micheal's room. It was made Incase Tubbo had to escape with him. " niki says quietly, walking into the staircase. Me and tommy follow her. We reach a small room with a crib in it. It has blue walls and bee decors. I walk up to the bee decors and touch them. Slightly smiling. " Did you guys bring weapons? " niki says grabbing her bag. " I brought tnt " tommy says grinning. " I didn't bring anything- " I say blushing out embarrassment. Niki hands me a massive knife and a bucket of water. " Let's go.. " she says pulling out some sort of gun device and walking out of micheal's old room.

????? POV:

Hehe...let the fight begin........

" Sister "

842 words

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓮 [] Beeduo Royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now