Chapter 9

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𝗛𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗮'𝘀 𝗣𝗼𝘃

I woke up at early morning. I looked over to see sleeping Kageyama next to me, with his arm wrapped around me. I tried to sit up, but Kageyama didn't let me.

"Heyy, Kageyamaa, let got." I said to him, as he even more tightened his arms around me.

"No." He replied. I pouted.

"Bakayama. Really let go of me." I said.

"Mine..." He whispered very quietly, so I am not sure if I heard him right. I mean why would he call me his? Even though, I don't know if I heard him right, I still blushed intensily. Kageyama then let go of me, and looked at my blushing face. "I will get you breakfast, okay?" He asked and left me. I sat as I tried to think about what happened right now, until a nurse came to my ward.

"Hello, Hinata, how are you feeling today?" She asked as she started to change all the bandages.

"Oh.. Great, better than the first day.." I said in a low voice.

"Thats great! You will be able to go ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒 soon." She said, smiling at me, I smiled back.

'𝐻𝑜𝑚𝑒'. Yea its truly my home. I can't go back to them...

"Anyways, Hinata-kun, is that young boy is your boy..boyfriend?" She asked, a little chuckling. I froze. Is it look like he is?!!

"Noo!! Of co-course he's not. He is just a friend of mine." I replied, blushing madly.

She giggled.
"Okay, now get some rest." She said as she tried to left, but stopped.

"Mhm?" I asked, why she stopped.

"Oh well, Hinata, I forgot one thing. We got a call, that today one person will visit you. He didn't say who he was to you, he just said that I should tell you that." She said and left. She left me frozen in my bed. A person? Who is he? And its he? I started to panic, because all I could think of, was just one person. I started to breath heavily as I heard how doors opened again. I looked and saw Kageyama.

"Hey." He said and looked at me. He saw my pale face and my worried expression.  He rushed to me. "Hey are you okay, Hinata?" He asked, as he started to rub my back.

"Y-Yea.. " I whisperied, trying to control my breathing. Kageyama slowly tugged my shirt, so I would pay attention to him.

"Lay down, Hinata. You're not breathing properly." He explained as he layed on the bed, pulling me with him. He put my head on his chest.

"Feel it? Thats how you should be breathing." He said as he started ruffling my hair, to calm me down. My breathing became more calm and normal. I snuggled into his chest.

"Why were you worried?" Kageyama asked.

"Well... The nurse said that one person will visit me today.. And it can be a person, who I don't want to see.." I explained it to Kageyama, and snuggled evem more to his chest. Kageyama wrappes his arms around me, rubbing my back smoothingly.

"You think that its your father?" He asked. I froze. How did he knows that?? I mean how can he read me so well!! Do he really knows me that good?

"Don't worry, Hinata. Its just an only person, who I taugh about." I don't know how Kageyama could tell what I was thinking of, but he did. He calmed me down. It looks like he can read minds.

"Yea okay... I mean yes I'm worried that it might be him." I confessed. Why did I said that, I don't know, but it probably gonna make Kageyama have a lot of questions.

"Why?" He asked. Here we go again, that question...

"Well... I will explain it to you later, oka-" My words were interupted, by someone opening the door. I froze as I saw who it was....

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