Chapter: one

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Minho's pov

I just got off of dancing practice and walked into the dorm to see changbin sitting on the couch.

"Hi, you're back already?" Chang asked

"Yeah, where is Chan?" I asked taking my bag and jacket off. "He's at the store" he responded I nodded and told him in taking a shower. Before I went to the bathroom I got a text from Han asking how was practice. I smiled and texted him back it went well then asked "are you still at work?" He writes lyrics and sells them. He texts back "yep I may be here for a few more hours." I frowned a little has he eaten yet? I thought to myself.

I put my phone away and took and shower after I walk into the living room with a towel drying my hair making changbin complain.

"No, go dry your hair in your room you're going to get water everywhere." He groaned

I paused and grinned I walked over to him he walk away from me I take the towel off my hair and start shaking my head near him getting him wet. He yells and pushes me away. I saw the door open and saw chan carrying some bags he paused and saw what we were doing and laughed. I smiled and walked up to him and gave him a hug making him get a little wet.

"Oh gross I go to get you food and you do this to me?" He groans pushing me off of him making me laugh. I helped him carry the bags he had and help him unpack them. I see some lunch boxes for us for the weekend. I take one of them and put it in my bag. I go to put my shoes on and Chan held his hand up making me pause giving him a questionable look.

"Where are you going didn't you just get home?" He asked gaining Changbin's attention.

"Yeah but Hannie is still working I don't think he's eaten dinner so I'm taking this to his studio," I said

Chan grinned and glanced and Changbin he had the same look.

"Ok have fun tell him I said hi!" Chan smiled

I nodded and took my bag then went to the studio

I sign in and walked to his room. I looked through the window and saw seungmin and Felix sitting by him laughing. I opened the door gaining Felix's attention first he smiled and waved at me I smiled back. I walk up to Han and gave him the lunchbox. Han look up at him from his chair and smiled.

"Oh hi! What are you doing here?" Han asked chuckling not expecting me to show up.

"I got off of practice and Chan got us food I was assuming you didn't eat yet because you've been here all day. Sorry I didn't get you guys anything I didn't know you guys would be here." I said looking at the other they all shook their head saying it was fine.

"Oh well thank you" Han smiled and gives me a side hug.

"Of course, I should be heading back ill talk to you tomorrow?" I asked looking and Han nodded. I smile at the others and made my way back to the dorms.

Hans pov

I smiled looking at the food and saw Felix and seungmin smirk at me. I put my fork down and looked at them. "What's up?" I asked and Felix looked at me in disbelief

"Are you sure you guys aren't dating?" Felix chuckled

"What no! He's just a friend!" I protested

"The man came from his dorm to the studio which a pretty far!" Seungmin said

"He's my best friend that cares about me!" I said

"Ok, but he could've waited until you got home to give it to you but no we come all the way down here and only paid attention to you! I felt like I was watching a k drama just now" Felix laughed making seungmin giggle. I glared at them.

"He isn't wrong" seungmin smiled

"Oh shush you guys wanna share?" I asked gesturing to the plate of food they nodded and got some spoons out and we shared the food.

That was nice of minho I smiled.

I have never been so excited to post a story 😂


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