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I've decided that I will not continue writing fan fic anymore

I'm making this announcement to let everyone know I'll be offically creating only original works from now on, and have decided, after much consideration, to stop writing fanfiction to focus on my original works and series. I'll be having another account just for my original works Nebe_King

I've come to a point in my writing journey where I feel it's time to branch out into making my own creations come to life and seeing as I want to become an author one day, I feel like writing works completely of my own account with just that will help in my journey. Wing Ghost is one of my first completely original works, and I have many ideas for future works coming soon!

Please understand this doesn't mean I will forget about all my works on here or move on just because I'm no longer writing fanfic, I greatly cherished the community, support, and love that was given to me and will never forget it. I will still be around the community, I just won't be writing it myself anymore.

I love every one of you who have supported me on my journey from day one, and those I've meet along the way, who've encouraged me to keep doing what I love every day. This isn't the end, this is just the beggening of something new.

I hope you all understand my decision, I love you all, especially those who will stick around as I continue this journey. Thank you all ♥️

I hope I'll see you there

Also yes im copying and pasting this all on all my books-

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