Chapter: five

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Hans pov

I get up early brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I got my phone out to text Minho when and where he wants to meet up. He said that I can stop by at his dancing studio. I agreed and got dressed. I saw that Seungmin was awake and making breakfast so I decided to eat with him before I left.

"Morning Seungmin" I smiled sitting at the table

"hey where are you going?" he asked handing me a plate I gladly took in and dug in.

"going to Minhos studio and hang out with him after his dance practice," I said eating

"Can I Join I have a free day today and Felix is hanging out with Changbin today," he said

"what about Hyunjin?" I asked with a small smile

"he's at the studio with Minho," he said my mouth open as I remembered I can't believe I forgot they dance together

"oh is that why you wanna go with me to see Hyunjin?" I teased he just smiled rolling his eyes

"I don't wanna stay in our dorm all day!" he defended didnt believe it "or I could hang out with Chan," he said my eyes widen hyunjin wouldn't love that

"No just come with me Hyunjin would like your support!" I smiled grabbing my bad he smiled and nodded walking with me to the car.

We drove to the dancing studio and walk in to see about 10 people in the room. Music started playing me and Seungmin sat on the bench watching them dance to PARANOIA by KANG DANIEL Minho staying in the middle and front and Hyunjin by his side. Both Seungmin and I watch in amazement. They were amazing. I saw Hyunjin make eye contact with Seungmin but when he did Seungmin looked at Minho.

"I see you staring" I whispered to seungmin smiling

"Same with you and Minho." he retorts

True but could you blame me he was so skilled! I nodded and smiled. After the dance some of the guys left. Minho and Hyunjin walked up to us they were drenched with sweat.

"What are you guys doing here?" Hyunjin asked still out of breath

"I invited Hannie over didnt to expect Seungmin with you" Minho answered with a kind smile

"It was either come here or I hang out with Chan but Han said I could come with him to support hyunjin" he smiled Hyunjin smiled and look at me with a thankful smile I nodded and smiled back

"oh I saw Chan's story you sounded amazing I can tell Chan enjoyed your voice he said 'with his voice and visuals he's gonna be famous one day!' I'm pretty sure he was talking to some people to help you out too!" Minho said all of our eyes opened in surprise.

Things may work out for Seungmin! I hugged Seungmin with a big smile!

"did you hear that that's incredible!" I said still hugging him Seungmin was frozen in shock

"I'm so proud of you!" Hyunjin smiled and went to hug Seungmin he snapped out of his shock and moved away from Hyunjin "ew no getaway you drenched in sweat!" he groans running away Hyunjin ran after him I laugh and stood next to Minho.

"I want a hug" minho said I looked at him as if he was crazy I don't want to be drenched in his sweat

"After you take a shower!" I said putting my hand up he smiled and nodded we went to his dorm and I waited on his couch for him to get done taking a shower. After 10 to 15 minutes I see him in his towel still wet and try to go for a hug but I ducked

"NOT UNTIL YOU'RE DRIED!" I yelled he burst out laughing and put his hands up in defeat. He went into his room and got dressed.

he took me out to a place around the ocean we sat on the bench and talked

"We haven't done this in a while I miss it," he said looking at me with a smiled

"yeah it's nice going outside in the fresh air" I smiled

"not outside I mean hanging out with you!" he said making me blush slightly. What are these feelings? I smiled and got up and leaned on the rails facing the ocean enjoying the breeze. I then felt hands wrap around my waist I look behind and see Minho smiling at me

"You owe me a hugged remember?" he grinned and picked me up around my waist making me squeal in surprise he put me down I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist laying my head on his chest he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me in rubbing my head.

I felt my face heating up. why? he's just my best friend we've hugged like this before! we let go and faced each other he smiled and patted my head I looked down not wanting to make eye contact.

"you okay?" he asked with a worried look

"yeah wanna go eat something?" I asked finally looking at him he smiled and nodded we made our way to a restaurant

Pull yourself together you don't like Lee Know, even if you did he wouldn't like you back at least not like that!

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