Chapter: fifteen

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Han pov

Today is my second date with minho. I want to ask him to be my boyfriend soon. I realized I liked him longer than I thought. He was always just so kind, funny, and caring. He's smart too and talented. I could have gotten with him sooner. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend!

I got dressed fixed my hair brushed my teeth and went to Minhos dorm. When I got there I went to knock on the door but minho opened it before I could making both of us laugh.

"Jisung! I thought I was picking you up!" He said laughing

"You didnt tell me!" I smiled he shut the door behind him and held my hand I smiled at the action then we walked to the park.

"It's very pretty outside today" I smiled looking at the pretty trees it was warm with a cool breeze

"you're prettier" he smiled I chuckled and shook my head "that was so cheesy"

"yeah but it's the truth," he said rubbing my head I smiled at him

"Hey, I was wondering if we can be official? like boyfriends?" I asked he sat up with an exciting look and nodded yes I huffed a laugh at his reaction he grabbed my hand and pulled me up hugging me. I hugged him back I'm so happy right now. We let go and he looked at me smiling.

"I'm so happy" I whispered

"Me too love," he said then held my chin and kissed me. "wanna go back to my dorm?" he asked making my eyes wide he realized what he said took it back "wait no not like that! I mean do you want to eat and cuddle while we watch some movies" he rambled I smiled and held his hand

"I would love to. Lead the way?" I asked gesturing for him to lead we walked back to his dorm

"wassup!" Felix greeted with his arms around changbin they were laying on the couch cuddling

"I have a boyfriend now" I smiled so much my jaw hurts both of their faces dropped the changbin laughed very loudly and got up dancing while Felix's face showed disappointment I just looked at them confused. Felix got up looking upset and yelled

"Wheres Christopher Bang Chan!!!!" he yelled making minho laugh

"he's at work come one give me the $30! I won fair and square!" changbin smiled hugging minho

"yall couldn't have gotten together like 2 more days from now?" Felix wined

"what is going on?" I asked

"Changbin and Felix made a bet if we got together first then Changbin won if jeongin and Chan got together first then Felix won. I was going to ask you out today but you beat me to it I'm very happy about it too" minho explained wrapping his arms around my waist

"Felix voted against us how dare you!" I said looking at Felix who is now pulling money out of his wallet and dramatically giving it to him. he turned to me with an ugly crying face

"I had hope ok!" he defended himself I rolled my eye and grabbed minhos hand he looked at me and nodded leading me to his room. I fell on his bed and took off my shoes getting comfortable. I went under the covers minho followed after me we put on a movie and cuddled. I laid in his chest with a smile I'm so happy right now.

Yayyy they're together now!

Baby I'm Jealous ||Minsung|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now