Chapter: fourteen

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Jeongin pov

" I need help," I said sitting down on his bed he put his phone down looking at me.

"With?" He questioned

"I think I want to ask Chan out like for real I want a relationship with him," I said he sat up with a shocked look

"Really?" he asked still shocked

"yeah, I don't know what to do jinnie!" I whined laying next to him

"well do you think he likes you?" he asked putting his arm around me I nodded shyly

"or at least I hope he does," I said

"ok if you're not 100% sure hang out with him again and see how it goes and if you think he likes you back go for it!" he smiled I smiled at him and nodded hugging him

"thank you!" I smiled he hugged me back "your welcome"

we sat like that for a while with a comfortable silence. I've been meaning to ask him this so I took the chance to.

"do you like seungmin?" I asked he looked at me his chin scrunched up making me laugh I sat up and looked at him asking him the question again.

"well do you?" I asked

"yeah," he said with a small smile

"you guys would go good together" I smiled

"thank you and chan would too!" he smiled I smiled at that

"would you be upset if I go hang out with seungmin?" he asked I just smiled and shook my head no

"ill hang out with changbin and Felix!" I smiled

"Great! I love you innie!" he smiled and hugged me getting up and getting dressed

hyunjins pov

I went to seungmins dorm and walked in to see seungmin in the kitchen making food I smiled and walked over to him wrapping my arms around his waist. he look behind him saw me then smiled.

"hi what are you doing here?" he smiled carefully putting the hot spoon down and facing me I let go and took a step back to give him some room.

"I just wanted to hang out with you. Whatcha making?" I asked looking at the food

"I'm making ramen with Tteok-bokk, kimchi, and white rice," he said I smiled

"mind if I join?" I asked my hand still on his waist

"sure I think I made too much for me" he smiled I put my chin on his shoulder near his neck and watched him cook. he gave a Tteok-bokk to tried it was really good.

I decided to set up the table for us. got plate napkins and plastic forks. he got done and we ate it was so good he's a nice cook.

"it's so good," I said dancing a little making him laugh

"thank you! you planning to stick around for a bit?" he asked I nodded still eating

"ok wanna watch a movie?" he asked I smiled and nodded eating the noddles

seungmin phone started buzzing he picked it up and answered

"hi channie" he smiled I couldn't help but roll my eyes I know Chan doesn't like him but what if seungmin likes him. I don't want Seungmin hurt.

"no can't hang out today I'm hanging out with hyunjin," he said eating some kimchi he laughed "ok well I have to go bye bang chan" he smiled and hung up

"What did he call about?" I asked looking down

"he just wanted to meet up and hang out," he said I paused for a second

"do you like him?" I asked not making eye contact

"yeah he's a good friend," he said I looked at him this time and asked again

"I mean as a lover. Do you?" I asked he laughed and shook his head no

"no way he's great but not my type," he said smiling

"well, what's your type?" I asked he just shrugged "I don't know"

"you ready to watch a movie?" he asked cleaning his area up I nodded cleaning my area too

We sat on the couch cuddling. Seungmin fell asleep on my chest. He's so cute ill talk to him soon ill tell him my feelings even if he doesn't like me back I don't think he would make it awkward.

I pull him in closer and fell asleep with him in my arms.

Hehehehe i made a new friend

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