Chapter: twelve

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I walk into the dorm to see Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin, and Hyunjin all smiling

"Sooo how was the date?" Felix smiled, pulling me to the bed

"It was great" I squealed, making all of them smile

"Tell us more details!" Jeongin smiled, making Felix nod

"Well, he took us to my favorite place and got my favorite snacks too! We cuddled a little then we went into his car singed horribly and danced too! It was so much fun!" I smiled

"You're not telling everything" Felix said squinting his eye seungmin agreed they both got close to my face making me nervous.

"I- I did tell you everything" I stuttered

"Liar." Seungmin said I signed

"Ok fine, we kissed once or twice" I said, my face heating up. They all gasped and screamed

"Awww so you and jeongin got kiss on my dates" Felix laughed

"W-wait, what, me and chan didn't kiss?" Jeongin said confused

"Don't lie, I saw it! You kissed his cheek!!!!" Felix smiled, making jeongin blushed

"You never said you and Chan went on a date!" I yelled at him smiling

"It wasn't a date, it was a hang-out!" He defended.

"But you wanted it to be a date!" I smiled, getting closer to him,

he leaned on seungmins chest and seungmin attacked him making jeongin scream, smiling

"Ok! OK I wanted it to be a date please let me go" he smiled and seungmin let him go

"You should confess" Felix said

"What no he may think I'm rushing things, he's great, I don't want to lose him as a friend!" He said

"But It's chan even if he didn't like you back he wouldn't stop being friends with you, he's too nice for that" I smiled

"I know but still it's embarrassing" he pouted I pulled him into a hug smiling

"I personally think he likes you the way you like him, I can help out if you want" Felix grinned what is he up to?

"I don't know" jeongin said unsure

"Come on, trust me!" Felix said, holding his hand, jeongin rolled his eyes.

"Imma go back to my dorm" jeongin said getting up, making Felix frown

"Oh ok, love you!" Felix smiled jeongin smiled back

"I'll be back later!" Hyunjin said i.n just nodded

"Anything else happened on the date?" Felix asked hugging me

"Not really, he just made me very flustered" I smiled

"So it was good, like if he asked you to go out again, you would agree?" He asked

"Absolutely" I smiled

"Awwww" seungmin cooed

"I glad it worked out for you" hyunjin smiled and hugged seungmin making me and Felix grin at them. They are so cute.

I have an idea.

"Aww, thank you hyunjin, hugs!" I smiled and hugged him making seungmin  almost fall "oh sorry seungmin" he just rolled his eyes I laid on hyunjins chest, seungmin kind of glared at me. I look up and hyunjin, and he just looked at me confused.

"I want hugs" Felix frown then fell on seungmin making him groan

"That's not a hug! I'm getting crushed!" He yelled, making us laugh

"I love you, seungmin!" Felix said in a weird voice making me chuckled

"I hate you!" He said smiled then hugged Felix, making Felix make a weird noise.

I look up at hyunjin he didn't have much of a smiled. He-he it worked.

"AGH get off!" Seungmin groaned

"Mm, mm no" he said holding him tighter I got up to see better hyunjin got up and pulled Felix off, making Felix scream

"Quiet, others can hear you" hyunjin hissed pulling Felix off of seungmin

"I just wanted love" Felix dramatically said obviously joking, making seungmin chuckle

"You have a boyfriend, go bother him!" Hyunjin smiled

"Oh you're right! Imma go to Chan's dorm ill tell Minho you said hi jisung" he winked at me making my roll my eyes as he left

"Are you ok, Minnie?" Hyunjin asked helping seungmin up

"Yeah but Felix is more heavy than I thought" he smiled

I feel like im interrupting something I told then I was going to my studio to work on my writing. When I got there, I set everything up. I felt my phone buzz, I saw it was a text from minho. I swear if Felix said anything stupid!

"Hey, wanna go on another date soon?" I smiled and texted back, "of course, today was fun!"

"Great next week?" He texts back, I smiled and texted back yes. Ahh, today was great!

Baby I'm Jealous ||Minsung|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now