Chapter: eight

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minho pov

I had to wake up early to meet with one of the dancers because he was having trouble understanding and performing the dance. I got dressed and made my way out of the dorm on my ways out I saw Han we both looked at each other surprised and I smiled at him

"What are you doing here?" I asked still smiling he looks so cute

"Oh, I was going to ask if you want to hang out today." He smiled

"Oh I have to go help one of the dancers with the choreographs from a few days ago but you can join if you want," I said hoping he would say yes he nodded his head, yes so we made it out of the dorm and went to the dance studio

I saw the guy waiting for me he seemed out of breath, "where are you practicing without me?" I asked smiling he seemed shocked and turned around "maybe" he smiled and got up

So we discussed was he was having trouble with and worked on it

"Ok so I'm in the middle of everyone you're in front you look at the camera you duck when I put my hand up and you put your hand here," I said placing his hand on the front of my waist he nodded I looked in the mirror and saw Han glared at either me or the guy I looked behind me and he saw me then smiled I grinned back and continued instructing

"Then you reach up and then as the beat goes you bring it back down and ill follow your hand wanna practice with the music?" I asked and he nodded

So I played the music and I danced to where I was in the middle he followed in front then went down on one knee when I put my hand up he put his hand on my waist and his other hand up then went by the beat and pulled his hand down me following I then put my hand above his hand as if I was controlling him and moved him. Then we stopped

"That looked great!" I smiled and hugged him he thanked me for the help "no problem I'm going to head out now but keep practicing see you tomorrow" I smiled and went up to Han he handed me my water bottle "thank you" I said and took a sip

"You guys looked good" he smiled

"Yeah he's a very talented dancer" I nodded

"What about you?" He asked I just struggled "eh" I smiled

"EH? What do you mean eh? You're so good!" He asked in surprise I laughed

"Yeah, but I have far more to improve!" I said he just shook his head "you're amazing though"

"Well thank you you're amazing too" I smiled making him get a little shy and mumbled "thanks" I smiled and got up

"Come on let's go eat something yeah?" I asked reaching my hand out he nodded and took my hand we decided to go to the closet Caffe and order Hans favorite cheesecake and went back to his dorm

I fed him some "your so cute" I said then almost froze when I said it I didn't look at Han not wanting to see his reaction "you are too" he said I looked at him and he looked away from me I smiled then I got a text from chan asking for me to come back to the dorms I put my phone away and looked at Han he was still looking away eating

I gently took his face so he looks at me "I have to go Chan asked me to go back to the dorms see you soon bye" I smiled and left

Han pov


I calmed down my feelings and put the rest of the cheesecake in the fridge I cut some pieces to give to Minho later today. Then Felix entered the room.

"Where have you been?" I asked I haven't seen him since like 2 or 3 days ago

"I'm so happy." He said I turned around and put my hand on his forehead "are you sick?" I asked worriedly I'd never seen him like this

"I have a boyfriend now," he said making my eyes widen

Minho pov

"You WHAT?" I asked smiling Changbin just came back saying he's dating Felix "how the hell?" I asked chan is just smiling, "you knew about this?" I asked chan he just laughed

"Not that they were together more if they liked each other how did it happen?" He asked

Han pov

"Well I've liked him for a while then I asked if he wanted to hang out by the cafe." He said

"The one by Minhos dance studio?" I asked he nodded "oh me and Minho were just there" I smiled

"Aww maybe you guys will get together there as well" he teased making me blush

"Wait did something happen between you and minho?" He asked

"One relationship at a time finish your story!" I said still flustered

Minho pov

"I agreed and then in the middle of us eating and talking I asked him out on a date" he smiled

"I bet it was awkward" I teased making him trying to hit him

"No ok yeah a little but he said yes and then we went on one got to know each other better so I asked him to be my boyfriend and he agreed," Changbin said bouncing a little

"I'm so happy for you!" Chan smiled and hugged him "but if you hurt Felix imma kill you just a head-up" he smiled

"Understandable" he smiled hugged Chan back

"So when is your date with I.N?" I asked smiling and Chan making Changbin gasp

"Did I miss that much?" He asked surprise

"Ok no it's not a date it's a hangout and its tomorrow," he said

"Yeah sure a 'hangout' " changbin winked making me laugh

"You guys are ridiculous he thinks it's a hangout!" Chan said

"Oh, so you want it to be a date?" I asked making chan pause

"I'm not having this conversation with someone who is afraid to admit he has feelings for his best friend" he shot at me making my jaw drop

"I'd be better at asking Han out than you asking I.N out! I'd be quicker at least!" I shot back knowing how hesitant Chan is with IN

"You wanna bet?" He asked taking me by surprise

"Yeah!" I said standing up from the couch I was laying on

"Ok let's see who with ask them out first," chan said holding his hand out will I regret this possibility but my pride got the best of me and I shook his hand

"Ahhhh good luck to both my vote goes to minho" changbin said and hugged me

"Hey!" Chan said a little bit offended

"Let's hope for the best congrats on the relationship with Felix Binnie," I said then walking to my room

Oh, what did I just agree to?

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