Chapter: eleven

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Minhos pov

I'm going on a date with hannie im going on a date with hannie!

I walk into my door. To see Felix and changbin sitting on the couch, I smiled brightly and starting singing.

"I'm going on a date with Hannie im going on a date with Hannie!" I sang smiling both of their jaws dropped

"Ha! You owe me $30 bucks!" Changbin yelled snickering

"No! Are you guys official?" Felix asked standing up, I shook my head no

"Then none of us won the bet yet!" Felix smiled

"What, no, it still counts!" Changbin shout

"NO, until they're official boyfriend and boyfriend, im not giving you shit!" Felix said making changbin groan, I giggled at them

I have to start planning the date, i when back to my room and looked up places to eat. No, but I don't wanna eat anywhere, I want it to just be us two. Oh! We could go on the balcony and make a little picnic for us! I got my phone out to tell him the plan, not The Whole thing but that we are meeting on the balcony

"Ok, I can't wait <3" he texted back, making me smile

Then chan got home, I walked up to him with a grin, "guess who's going on a date with Han?" I whispered behind his back, he whipped around shocked

"Seriously?" He asked I nodded smiling

"I'm so happy for you! Wait, does that mean I lose?" He frowned

"NO, they have to be official, so you have time!" Felix said

"Oh ok" he said then walking to his room

"Why are you going to your room?" I asked

"Imma ask jeongin to hang out again" he smirks, my eyes widen

"When's the date?" Changbin asked

"Tomorrow." I said smiling

"Aww, you look so happy!" Felix squealed

"Yeah I am!" I smiled


I know exactly what im going to do for the date! I'll get his favorite snacks and candy, then ill pick him up and go to his favorite spot.

I got dressed in a white shirt with a black jean jacket with small tears in it. Then black jeans. I grab my wallet, then go to the nearest store to buy all the stuff. I put everything in a bag, then go to pick hannie up. I knocked on the door to see him in a face mask. I smiled at him, a little surprise. He saw me, then instantly closed the door in my face. I heard some noises then saw Felix open the door also with a face mask.

"Sorry about that, Han will be out in just a second!" He smiled then opened the door letting me in, I smiled at him and sat on the couch. Felix sat by me, shaking my arm.

"Sooo where are you guys going, what's the plan?" He asked smiling

"That for jisung to find out and for him to tell you about" I smiled his face dropped

"You're not gonna give me any hints?" He said whining a little bit

"Nope" I smiled he rolled his eyes

"Hi" Han walked in the room his face red making Felix giggle

"Hey, you ready to go?" I smiled standing up grabbing the plastic bag he nodded his head I smiled grabbing his hand making our way to the door. I help his hand until we got my car, I held the door open for him, and we got in.

"So, where are we going?" He asked

"You'll see" I smiled excited he just looked at me confused

We got to the spot which is under a bridge, it's very calming.

"Aw I love this place" Han smiled looking at minho

"That's why I chose it" I smiled at him then gave him the bag he opened it and his eyes widen

"Aww you didn't have to do all of this" he smiled

"Of course I did, this is our first date, I want it to be good!" I said

"You're amazing lee know" he smiled and hugged me I've never felt so happy

We sat down and ate some of the snacks, when we got comfortable he laid in between my legs resting his head on my chest and I play with his hair.

"Why is this your favorite spot again?" I asked, looking at him in time to see his face turn red

"Because It's where I met you" he mumbled I could barely hear him he's so cute

"Aw that's so sweet it's also very calming too, we should come here more like old times" I smiled he smiled nodding his head.

He got up putting the trash in the bag I also got up, and we decide to listen to music in the car. We were singing horribly off-key and doing stupid dances. Making both of us laugh. I loved it. It was just me and him for the day.

We calmed down and stared at each other, I felt the atmosphere shift a little.

I really want to kiss him
But I chickened out and looked away, feeling stupid and nervous

" lee know, can I kiss you?" He asked looking down, catching me by surprise I smiled and nodded

He leaned in and kissed me, it was a nice, soft but passionate kiss. His lips tasted like cheesecake. We pulled away. Looking into each other's eyes.

"Did you eat cheesecake before we left?" I asked with a small smiled I saw his face heated up

"Maybe" he smiled

I leaned back in and kissed him again and slowly pulled away I smiled at him softly

"Tastes sweet" I grinned he got so red, making me chuckle we buckled up, and I drove him back to the dorms

I hugged him goodbye, then went to my dorm. I see chan and changbin just waiting for us.

"So, how was it?" Changbin smiled

"It was great!" I smiled

"Anything happen?" Chan asked

"I don't kiss and tell" I winked and went to my room.

Today was awesome!

Baby I'm Jealous ||Minsung|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now